CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by: 2021/01/13 04:34:01

Modified files:
        usr.sbin/bgpd  : rde.c rde.h rde_decide.c rde_rib.c 

Log message:
Extend prefix_evaluate() to also be used when withdrawing a prefix.
Doing the LIST_REMOVE() outside of prefix_evalute() is no longer valid.
As a benefit it is now simply possible to re-evaluate a prefix by passing
it to prefix_evaluate() for both removal and insertion. prefix_evaluate()
will then take care to ensure that a update is sent out if necessary.

Also move rde_send_kroute() call to rde_generate_updates() to make it a
bit easier to plug this module into a regress test.

OK denis@

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