CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by:    2013/10/27 16:36:06

Modified files:
        distrib/miniroot: dot.profile install.sub 

Log message:
Unattended installation using DHCP and a response file

For a completely unattended installation bsd.rd has to be netbooted,
a DHCP server must be running and provide "next-server", which will be
used to fetch "http://<next-server>/install.conf".  The format of the
response file is a list of "<key> = <value>" pairs where <key> is a
substring of the interactive question (case-insensitive) and <value> is
what would be entered interactively.

Minimal response file example:

system hostname = openbsd
password for root account = <...>
network interfaces = re0
IPv4 address for re0 = dhcp
server? = <...>

This is a starting point, it still a bit rough.

ok krw@, many improvements by halex@

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