CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by:    2014/04/15 15:47:56

Modified files:
        lib/libssl/src/apps: ciphers.c ocsp.c progs.h s_client.c 
                             s_server.c s_time.c 
        lib/libssl/src/ssl: s23_clnt.c s23_lib.c s23_meth.c s23_srvr.c 
                            ssl.h ssl_stat.c ssltest.c 
        lib/libssl/ssl : Makefile 
Removed files:
        lib/libssl/src/ssl: s2_clnt.c s2_enc.c s2_lib.c s2_meth.c 
                            s2_pkt.c s2_srvr.c 

Log message:
remove ssl2 support even more completely.
in the process, always include ssl3 and tls1, we don't need config options
for them. when the time comes to expire ssl3, it will be with an ax.
checked by miod

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