CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by: 2014/06/23 15:10:03

Added files:
        regress/sys/kern/siginfo-fault: Makefile siginfo-fault.c 

Log message:
Add regress test for SIGSEGV and SIGBUS siginfo semantics.

According to POSIX, SIGSEGV should specify SEGV_ACCERR if the memory
pages are mapped, but the protections don't match the user's access
attempts, while SEGV_MAPERR should only be specified for pages that
are unmapped.  Some platforms currently handle this correctly, but not

Additionally, SIGBUS/BUS_ADRERR should be generated instead of SIGSEGV
for access to file mapped pages that exceed the end of the file.
(Thanks to kettenis@ for suggesting this test.)

Currently failing, so not linked into the regress tree yet.

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