CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by:   2017/10/06 15:14:55

Modified files:
        share/man/man4 : divert.4 
        sys/netinet    : in.h in_pcb.h ip_divert.c raw_ip.c 
        sys/netinet6   : ip6_divert.c raw_ip6.c 

Log message:
Kill the divert-packet socket option IP_DIVERTFL to filter packets.
It used a loop over the global list divbtable that would be hard
to make MP safe.  The port net/dnsfilter does not work without this,
it should be converted to divert-to.  Neither other ports nor base
use this filter feature.
ports checked by sthen@; OK mpi@ benno@

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