CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by:        2017/12/23 03:23:34

Modified files:
        sys/arch/armv7/conf: GENERIC RAMDISK 
        sys/arch/armv7/exynos: exehci.c files.exynos 
Removed files:
        sys/arch/armv7/exynos: exsysreg.c exsysregvar.h 

Log message:
Use regmap interface to tweak "SYSREG" PHY configuration registers and
remove exsysreg(4).  The exsysreg(4) driver would no longer attach
as syscon(4) would match its node in the device tree.  As a result the
driver corss-call would panic.

Makes te Odroid-XU4 work again.

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