Point taken, Raul. 
Perhaps, this will illustrate the issue more clearly:

    v < 3 6 $ ": (u: 30005 30006 3101 30008 30009)
│ఝ甸 │

Cheers, bob

    JVERSION NB. Session font - Unifont 
Engine: j805/j64/darwin
Beta-9: commercial/2016-07-05T17:11:06
Library: 8.04.15
Qt IDE: 1.4.9/5.4.2
Platform: Darwin 64
Installer: J804 install
InstallPath: /users/bobtherriault/j64-804
Contact: www.jsoftware.com
> On Jul 7, 2016, at 5:28 PM, Raul Miller <rauldmil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> And, of course, the rows of 3 5 $ ": (u: 30005 30006 3101 30008 30009)
> are not valid unicode, so that means that the unicode standards aren't
> going to be a lot of help.
> Just saying...
> -- 
> Raul

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