Machar’s faction says did not go to Juba for war

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September 18, 2016 (JUBA) – Officials of the armed opposition faction led
by former First Vice President, Riek Machar, have dismissed as “not true”
claims by President Salva Kiir’s government that the opposition leader
returned to Juba in April to renew violence in a regime change strategy.

President Kiir last week accused the United Nations of allegedly working
for a regime change and supporting Machar to carry it out. He also became
bitter because the UN mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
extracted Machar at the border and saved his life.

He said when Machar could not succeed in the two years of war which started
on 15 December 2013, he signed the peace agreement in August last year in
order to continue with the regime change agenda, including violence from

But Machar’s officials said this was not true, arguing that the small
number of forces they took to Juba clearly indicated that there was no plan
to fight in Juba.

“It is not true. We did not return to Juba in order to fight. How could we
plan to start another war inside Juba when he had only 1,300 troops brought
to the capital with light weapons while Salva Kiir and his group had tens
of thousands of troops in and around Juba with heavy weapons, tanks and
helicopter gunships. The claim does not make any sense at all,” said James
Gatdet Dak, Machar’s spokesman.

Dak said their opposition faction of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army
(SPLA-IO) would have insisted on bringing to Juba at least all their 2,910
troops allowed by the agreement, or would have even ensured that they had
not less than 10,000 troops, also with their heavy weapons transported to
Juba before Machar returned, if they had planned for a fight in Juba.

He said it was instead President Kiir and his group who had the plan to
lure Machar to Juba in order to kill him and scrap the peace deal.

“The United Nations report is very clear, it is Salva Kiir and Malong Awan
who ordered the recent violence in July in Juba. The UN panel investigated
it and clearly held Kiir and his group responsible,” he said.

The opposition leader’s spokesman further added that “President Kiir and
his group were responsible for all the messes in the country, “whether it
is assassination attempts against Dr. Riek Machar on 15 December, 2013, or
on 8 July, 2016 violence in Juba as confirmed by the UN, or corruption as
also confirmed in the recent report by The Sentry organization based in the
United States.”

Machar and his faction, he added, accepted to return to Juba in April
despite the improper security arrangements because he thought that Kiir had
changed from his violent behavior after the two years of war.

He however said the opposition group will not give President Kiir another
third chance to attempt to lure in and murder Machar in Juba.

“The violent situation in Juba has to change first,” he said.

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   - 18 September 22:55, by Ayuiu Makuac Lam

   Faction of Riek Machar denied to a planned coup attempt in Juba on 7th
   -11th-2016, due to extremely defeated by Kiir Mayardit forces.

   repondre message
   - 18 September 23:14, by Mr Point

   No, you got it wrong, again. Machars bodyguards were outgunned and
   outnumbered 10 to 1 by the forces assembled by Kiir and Malong.
   This UN report shows Kiir’s government planned the July 2016 violence I
   Juba to try to murder Machar

   Do try and quote credible supporting evidence for your argument

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