Maiwut state governor, Ethiopian officials discuss security and trade

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The governor of South Sudan's Maiwut state, Maj. Gen. Bol Ruach Rom
meeting a delegation from Ethiopia in Pagak (ST)
August 9, 2017 (MAIWUT) – The governor of South Sudan’s Maiwut state,
Maj. Gen. Bol Ruach Rom Wednesday said he agreed with Ethiopian
authorities to open border for trade and to prevent rebel presence in
the border area.

The meeting which was held in Pagak took place after the capture the
border town from the armed opposition fighters last Sunday. The
governor was accompanied by military officers leading operations that
captured the rebel headquarters.

In statements to Sudan Tribune after the meeting, Rom said the
discussions with the Ethiopian authorities were productive, adding
they came out with important decisions and plans of actions.

"One important decision the agreement allowing us to open border and
resume normal bilateral activities. And this has been done. The two
countries have agreed to deploy custom and immigration officers
recognized by the leaderships of the two countries and the legitimate
governments," Rom said.

"We also agreed that no illegal movement should be allowed," he further added.

The proposed move to open the border is expected to facilitate the
transportation of goods and services between the two neighbouring

Governor Rom explained that the meeting resolved that goods and
services will now be crossing and passing through the border of the
two countries with the knowledge of the legitimate authorities.

He repeated calls for the return of the civilians in neighbouring
countries and those displaced in the neighbouring states to their
homes to help in the rebuilding of the State.

He pledged that his administration would provide security and appealed
to all the UN agencies, aid groups, regional and local organisations
to return to Maiwut and support the affected population to regain
their home areas.

Ethiopia currently hosts close to 300,000 South Sudanese refugees,
most of whom fled after the conflict broke out in the world’s newest
nation in December 2013, United Nations estimates show.


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    9 August 22:13, by South South

    This is very important Mr. governor, children of Maiwut and Pagak
should go back to school to learn. Enough for war, this is time for

    repondre message
        10 August 05:28, by Ayuiu Makuac Lam

        That is very tangible moves by Bol Reach.

        repondre message
        10 August 10:56, by jubaone

        South South,
        So if you can’t go to your jiengeland to develop it, how
difficult will it be for you as a jienge to even set foot in Pagak? So
as a sign of patriotism, just get your stuff from Kenya or Uganda and
just walk, fly or travel to Pagak. Anything short of this is just
jienge bullshit and lip service.

        repondre message
    9 August 22:36, by Kush Natives

    Bravo Mr. Governor, indeed Maiwut children deserve peaceful
environments in which they will enjoy whatever mean in order for them
to resume their schools activities like the rest of South Sudanese
children. Riek Machar history will remain as a man of setbacks in
South Sudan forever!

    repondre message
        9 August 23:40, by Nairobimitot

        Finally, that Junk is out. Now the children can attend school.
People need to come back to their beautiful land Pagak of South Sudan.
Time to live a healthy life.

        repondre message
            10 August 10:52, by jubaone

            Just board a plane and go to Pagak and help as a teacher
(hoping you have good education not these forged degrees). This would
be your patriotic contribution and not idling somewhere in Kenya or

            repondre message
    10 August 02:03, by john locke

    How so when both maiwut and pagak were taken over by us the io?
The remaining government soldiers fled and surrendered to the
ethiopian soldiers at the border. The remaining defected to the io..
once again the government fwiled to get pagak. Infact the governments
deputty nhial batoang was killed.. this article is fake news

    repondre message
        10 August 06:04, by Malakal county Simon

        The delusional slaves/jaangs seemed to believe in such fake
article, i must said the picture itself, speak more truth than the
lies article..... There are offices in Pagak gentlemen, and this
meeting is clearly conducted on the road and that meant this article
heading, is the lies because it’s doesn’t matched the picture in the
article.... They possibly negotiating their surrendering to either Gal

        repondre message
            10 August 06:10, by Malakal county Simon


            They possibly negotiating their surrendering to either
Galant IO forces of Dr Machar or Ethiopian government.... The foods
fighters of STD/Taban is between deaths and lives.... And that’s the
current situation they are facing at the moment leave alone talking
about trade and border security gentlemen.... This article is
misleading the public with lies than the reality on the ground....

            repondre message
            10 August 13:44, by South South

            Malakal county Simon,

            A few building in Pagak were set on fired by Reik’s IO
when the ran away to burn ammunition. Some of a few building were
destroyed by heavy guns. War means you break things and kill people to
win. You have been singing about war in this forum, well, do not be
surprise when you see Pagak without buildings.

            repondre message
        10 August 15:01, by Newsudan

        John Locke
        I think,you’re smoking bhang that give you delusions and
hallucinations, things that are not really, How many times do you need
to be told,Pagak n Maiwut have fell to joined force of SPLA and STD,by
the way,1000 rebels joined STD peace wing in Wau Today. come to your
true senses.Riek is done deal, 30 years house arrest.

        repondre message
    10 August 06:58, by Kat Cok

    SSPDF Oyeeee, that is the right action which will bring peace in
South Sudan, let them come back to join the life in normally than

    repondre message
    10 August 08:10, by Lenin Bull

    Million congratulations Hon.Gov.Bol Ruach for the brave move to
free your people and region from Riek’s terrorism. I could observe you
serious in military fatigue and clutching kalachnikov and the iron
determination in your face, the SPLA-IO is finished in Maiwut State.
History will record Riek Machar as a hoodoo to the Nuer Nation.

    repondre message
    10 August 08:17, by Lenin Bull

    Gatkhor Nueri or Gatmengothlielde Nueri and you other NGUNDAENG
deceived internet warriors, have you seen with your own fucking eyes?
Mathiang, Maiwut, and Pagak have fallen for good to the hand of the
government and SPLA-IO have been decapitated and emasculated and those
who will return to fight are only committing suicide. GOD bless Maiwut
State and its beautiful/handsome Gatjaak people.

    repondre message
    10 August 09:27, by quiz

    Please, Kiir’s rotten regime supporters, don,t beat your chests on
this article, this fake governor is liar, be mindful.He didn,t held
any meeting with Ethiopa gov,t. where is the venue of meeting, where
is the name of his counterpart who held meeting with him? No date ,
this is big false. 2nd, how can this guy help meeting with Ethiopia
immediately if he took control of Pagak last week end.

    repondre message
    10 August 10:43, by Adok son

    White lie,now Pagak is free without so called Ruai Rom of Juba.
We’re in full control of Maiwut and Pagak,to proof this,why they met
their meeting in between Jokow’s bridge and Gsmbella region instead of
gathering themselves in the town if they are right to air out this

    repondre message
    10 August 10:54, by Newsudan

    The govt should do:
    1.Construction of roads between Ethiopia n SS
    2.More schools and hospitals
    3.Food crops schemes
    4.infrastructure such as market
    5.Paloich oil sale through Ethiopia to international market.
    Gajaak and Gajiok should leave this madness of Riek io warmongers
and peace wing of STD

    repondre message
        10 August 16:06, by quiz

        South Sudan or SPLM party, this is just daydream. How ur
failure gov,t would construct schools, roads etc as you mentioned
while never did it since CPA was sign ? this is how you can not
confuse nation to loot public resources. I hate failure gov,t of Kiir
& Taban, I hate SPLM-IG. Kiir and all his supporters have persistent
mental disorder which need psychological intervention.

        repondre message
    10 August 10:58, by John Wetjunub

    Good Move Hon Governor with your team, those rebels are now left
with two choice, either to surrender or to register with those in
Refugee camp.

    repondre message
    10 August 17:06, by Sambala Sambala

    Dear fellow brothers, I am here right at the boarder yesterday
when the governor was pleading with the Ethiopian authority at the
bridge close to the customs building at the boarder. They met in the
middle of the road. Ethiopian authority came on white double cabin.
Io. Forces were on the south sudan side with their guns in large
number. Wondering how it become development talk in the media.sorry

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