South Sudan army downplays rebel capability to disrupt oil production

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September 18, 2017 (JUBA) - South Sudanese army on Monday downplayed
capability of the armed opposition forces in unity region to regain
strong foothold to disrupt oil production in the region

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Soldiers from the South Sudanese army (SPLA) guard an oil facility (AFP)

The deputy spokesperson for the government forces Col. Santo Domic
told Sudan Tribune that the security situation in the region was now
calm and under control, though the anti-peace elements have been
attempting to interfere with the life of the civil population from
attending to economic activities.

“There is no threat to oil fields. There are enough forces to provide
protection for production," said Col. Domic when reached on Monday.

For his part, Col.Dickson Gatluak Jock, spokesman of SPLA-IO faction
under the leadership of the First Vice President Taban Deng Gai said
in a separate statement released to the public on Monday that negative
armed group under Machar launched a petty attack in an attempt to
interrupt the sprouting stability in Northern Liech state.

“At around 5:30 today in the morning, elements of disgruntled armed
forces associated to Riek Machar attacked Nhialdiu town but they were
repulsed back after they burnt down some houses at the outskirts of
the town. Their intention was to loot civilian properties such as food
and cattle and also to abduct children for eventual conscription to
their forces,” said Dickson in a statement.

Today’s attack, he said, coincided with ongoing local community
dialogue in NhialDiu that brought together community leaders and
counties commissioners of Budang, NhialDiu and Pawel.

The spokesman of the pro-government faction the new attack was the
second incident perpetrated by the same armed group of Machar after
they allegedly failed at Pakur, Koch last week.

“This is no longer legitimate to take the lives of those who are not
carrying arms. Sudan people liberation army in Opposition, the SPLA-IO
combined with SPLA infantry from the 4th Division is pursuing the
fleeing elements towards the direction of Rupnyagai,” the statement
reads in part.

“We want to make it clear to these armed forces that, SPLA-IO under
the leadership of General Taban Deng Gai will continue to protect
civilians from any attack by any insurgents,” it adds

It further claimed that the pro-government faction together with the
government is very well informed and monitoring the movement of what
he called peace spoilers from Bieh and Akobo states with intention of
attacking our defensive position in Waat.

“Finally, we want to bring it to the attention of the region and the
international community that SPLA-IO forces are determined to protect
peace and those elements of merciless force allied to Dr Riek who are
targeting civilians,” it reads

The deputy spokesman of armed opposition Lam Paul Gabriel did not make
any comment to the statement when contacted to react to the release on


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    19 September 00:11, by john akeen

    I hate reading our country South Sudan news, and I hate reading
our people comments, and I hate reading about stupid people who
doesn’t know about peace, fighting ourselves will never take us
anywhere, hating ourselves will never bring peace among ourselves.
Pagan Amum is the main person who drugged South Sudanese people to war
again and Riek Machar is the main follower who listen to Pagan

    repondre message
        19 September 03:54, by Don-Don Malith Rual

        John Akeen,U right Bro, people are traumatised 📖 reading
about killing n killed cases,our country is the only country on 🌍
earth where lost of human life is something like taking a ? cup of
tea! Very simple. Other nations value human lives highly :’(

        repondre message
    19 September 04:02, by Don-Don Malith Rual

    Very sad 😔, I’m traumatised 📖 reading all these articles f I r
killing n being killed :’(

    repondre message
    19 September 05:09, by Kush Natives

    Folks,we should all forget that crazy so called rebels in South
Sudan, there’s no rebels any longer,those are just Nyagaatist, meaning
crossroads, bandits. They’re no longer a threat against government
except civilians. But, we will still deal with them accordingly. They
have no an idea about oil mean, they’re only looking for the fast
foods. Yang ti baa wee nak ke kuaan tee baa wee cam, that’s al

    repondre message
        19 September 06:15, by Malakal county Simon

        Kush Native

        Maybe in your dream......90% of Upper Nile State territorial,
is under control of SPLM_IO under Dr Machar..... That’s why this
senseless war will continues for a very long time if you don’t accept
a genuine resuscitation to this dead peace!!!!

        repondre message
    19 September 07:06, by Peng Kimang

    The recent warning by the rebels has already sent negative signal
to the foreign oil engineers and operators to step their feet to the
oil fields. Neither production nor refinery will start soon. The
rebels are just within the vicinity and the government will find it
rough to resume production. The oil revenues shall continue to enrich
the Juba regime criminals and it’s JCE cohorts.

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