South Sudan supports lifting of U.S. sanctions on Sudan

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Sudan's deputy PM Mubarak al-Mahdi shakes hands with South Sudan
President's adviser in Khartoum on 20 Sept 2017 (SUNA Photo)
September 22, 2017 (JUBA) - South Sudanese government said Friday it
has agreed to work together with the Sudanese government to secure the
lifting of U.S. sanctions imposed on Khartoum.

“As the delegation sent by his Excellency the President of the
Republic, Gen Salva Kiir Mayardit, we went and delivered the message
of cooperation and assurance of our full commitment to implementing
the 2012 cooperation," Presidential Adviser on Security Affairs, Tut
Kew Gatluak told Sudan Tribune when reached on Friday.

"The agreement encourages the two countries to work together to
enhance relations and achieve the mutual benefit and create an
atmosphere that foster viability of the two countries working side by
side in pursuit of mutual interests,” he added.

The presidential aide who returned to Juba from Khartoum said Sudanese
government was ready to receive President Kiir anytime so that the two
leaders can now go and approve the work of technical committees on how
the two countries work together to resolve the number of issues
requiring their attention.

Gatluak said Sudanese government had agreed to help the young nation
increase oil production and open all border crossing points to improve
the flow of goods and trade and to settle outstanding debts.

“We have agreed as two countries to make sure that we work together in
line with the cooperation agreement signed in 2012 and to make sure
that the sanctions are lifted for the benefits of our people. This is
what the 2012 agreement requires of the two countries. It is not a new
agreement,” he explains.

Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth said the two countries have agreed to increase
oil production from the Unity State in South Sudan and allow the flow
of 54 new kinds of goods.

Observers say the bilateral talks between the two countries being
convened a month before the U.S. decides on 12 October whether to lift
the sanctions imposed on Sudan two decades ago, would give Sudanese
government to advance its efforts seeking the lifting of sanctions.

However, others are sceptical saying Juba now contrary to the first
years of the independence has poor relations with Washington has also
imposed individual sanctions on senior South Sudan officials over
alleged responsibility for the continuation of the war in the new-born

In December 2016, Sudan and South Sudan extended an oil transit
agreement for another three years. In January 2016 Sudanese President
Omar Al-Bashir had ordered a review into the transit fees of oil
following a request by South Sudan after a sharp decline in
international oil prices. Sudan lost 75 percent of its oil revenues
after the separation of South Sudan in 2011.


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    23 September 03:11, by Kush Natives

    Ah ah ah ah ah! That’s really funny to see an individual from
South Sudan speaking on behalf of others. Sudan is robbing you with an
oil and you folks pretending like nothing happening. Why are we so
fools like this? I am done here!

    repondre message
        23 September 07:25, by Eastern

        Kush Natives,

        You didn’t know that you dinka are this foolish...! Kiir’s
tribal regime has been all along hoodwinking the masses in the country
that all the problems in the country are caused by KHARTOUM REGIME.
Jalaba did this and Jalaba is doing that....Now they Kiir is seeking
RAPPROCHEMENT ahead of his visit to Khartoum. Foolish cattle camp
leaders and their ignorant followers....

        repondre message
            23 September 08:28, by Kush Natives

            I am still not surprised that some fools amongst us here
in South Sudan doesn’t know the meaning of the country. How would you
discredit this stupid statement from the government as a Dinka? Why
are you always commenting here, if you’re not a South Sudanese?
Digging a cassava roots become an another colonization in part of
South Sudan. This statement from the government should be treat as

            repondre message
                23 September 08:30, by Kush Natives

                Con_ nationalism rather then pointing fingers at Dinka
as a tribe. What a lost lam are you Eastern!

                repondre message
                    23 September 08:58, by Eastern

                    Kiir’s government is a dinka government but South
Sudan is a country for more than 60 tribes....Next question..?

                    repondre message
                        23 September 09:25, by jubaone

                        Jienge sellouts and Nuer nyagateen are again
bowing to their jellaba Masters like humble starving dogs. What else
can you expect? As Equatorians, we look for our own destiny and
mobilize our people for an Equatoria Free State. Yes, we can. The
earlier the better. These tailless monkeys are just a disgrace.

                        repondre message
    23 September 04:59, by jur_likang_a_ likan’g

    Is this a surprise? Basically the government in juba is not
different in deeds with the government in Khartoum. A replica of
Khartoum system of leadership is now settled in our homeland. It is
therefore a duty of every patriot to change the political trend Juba1
has taken.

    repondre message
    23 September 07:36, by Deng Marham

    Guys, this is a normal practice by sisterly countries of
supporting each other morally, financially and materially. it couldn,t
be taken as a suppraise.

    repondre message
        23 September 07:46, by Eastern

        Deng Marham,

        The negative rhetoric and scorn poured by Kiir’s regime on the
Khartoum regime doesn’t bode well on sisterly relationship you are
struggling to refer to here. Kiir’s arrogance and belligerent attitude
even took South Sudan to fight the Sudan and continued to support
Sudanese rebels. The tribal arrogance should be confined to the cattle
camp if South Sudan is to progress...!

        repondre message
            23 September 09:00, by Deng Marham

            Let us love ourselves, our country and feel that our
country is better politically, socially & economically (chavenism).
let us have wathania in our hearts.

            repondre message
                23 September 12:37, by Eastern

                Deng Marham,

                Wathania or Nationalism (or patriotism) was squeezed
out of some South Sudanese thanks to Kiir’s misrule where he only
looks at national issues through JCE lenses and the dinka people are
comfortable with that.....!

                repondre message
            23 September 12:36, by Khent


            Are you really of the view that Juba is the aggressor
here? That Juba initiated support for rebels? That Juba is solely or
primarily responsible for the state of relations? Declare that as your
position right here, right now and witness the deconstruction of your
ignorant and naive conclusion.

            repondre message
                23 September 12:36, by Khent

                I hope you realise that it was Khartoum that initiated
support for rebels across ths Greater Sudan border years before Juba
reciprocated. Khartoum supported at least three [3] different rebel
groups in South Sudan in 2009 before we responded in kind in 2011.
Sudan still occupies Kafia Kingi against international law...

                repondre message
                    23 September 12:38, by Khent

                    The imbeciles in Juba all deserve to be forced to
face the wall and shot for being so unforgivably soft with Khartoum.
Instead of laying the ground work politically, economically and
militarily to reclaim the Nation size territories that Khartoum
occupies, the idiots spark a devastating civil war that further
weakens them.

                    repondre message
                        23 September 13:04, by Eastern


                        Just step aside, the stationary target in Juba
is getting locked on...Kiir refused to append signature on the ARCISS,
it was taken to him for his signature in Juba..Machar was forced by
the West to Juba where Kiir humiliated him and some few female Western
aid workers. If the Juba regime is made up of imbecile or philosophers
is not for me to judge...

                        repondre message
                            23 September 13:29, by Khent


                            I need you to pay attention if you and I
are to have an actual discussion here. I asked you if you really
thought that Juba initiated support for rebels across the Greater
Sudan border because you seem to be arguing that Khartoum was somehow
provoked by Juba’ support for rebels as if Khartoum did not start it

                            repondre message
                                23 September 15:04, by Eastern


                                Following the fiasco of New Sudan,
Kiir was left with the burden of folks from southern Sudan (Nuba Mts.
southern Blue Nile, etc) to deal with..What Kiir chose to do was
support them militarily to realise what Khartoum couldn’t give them
politically (popular consultations, etc). Kiir and cohorts thoughts by
supporting SPLM-N militarily (aggression) ,Khartoum would budge..

                                repondre message
                                    23 September 16:02, by Khent


                                    That is a wholly inadequate
response. It simply will not do. How many times must you be told that
Khartoum supported various rebel groups in South Sudan at least a full
year before the war in Kordofan and Blue Nile broke out? Juba merely

                                    repondre message
                                        23 September 16:03, by Khent

                                        Former rebels like the now
defunct South Sudan Democratic Movement/Army (SSDM/A), the
SSDM/A-Cobra faction and the South Sudan Liberation Army (SSLA)
admitted that they received military assistance from Khartoum before
they were integrated into the SPLA. This happened before wars broke
out in Kordofan and Blue Nile. Khartoum also supported the LRA in 2006
against South Sudan.

                                        repondre message
                                            23 September 16:36, by Eastern


                                            From 1983 up to July 9,
2011, the hierarchy of SPLA/SPLM remained MORE OR LESS the same. Any
group that emerge fighting Khartoum regime after the defunct 1997 KPA
are disgruntled southern Sudanese and therefore they are the baggage
of SPLA/SPLM - these fighting groups are PREDOMINANTLY southern
Sudanese tribes not what we have now in the SPLA-N factions

                                            repondre message
                                                23 September 17:18, by Khent


                                                Mate, just stop trying
to pretend that you have an argument here. Khartoum (not Juba) is the
aggressor and so your assertion that Juba initiated anything is

                                                repondre message
    23 September 13:12, by Eastern


    Yes, the Juba establishment is the aggressor - encouraging his
comrade in arm to EXPAND his influence to Pagak even when he DECLARED
ceasefire and national dialogue..!

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