2009/12/18 Greg Ewing <greg.ew...@canterbury.ac.nz>:
> deavid wrote:
>> ODE collisions work, when using single precision libraries of ODE.
>> But it fails in the following tutorials:
> I don't know whether it's related to your problem,
> but I've found that trouble can arise if you're
> not using the same version of ODE that the code
> is expecting. Annoyingly, ODE always installs itself
> under the same name by default, despite there being
> important differences between versions.
> --

I think it's not a version problem, but I'll check anyway; it's
strange that ode terrain collisions always works when compiled with
pyrex and never with and later (different machines
produce same result).

Pierre, take in account that the last patch submitted DOES NOT solve
the problem at all. It is using a function which is not in the ODE's
documentation to make things work, and only for Terrain VS Spheres.
(the tutorial will work) With a little change it is possible to make
it work with any geom, but the problem is still there.

I have to check if the C file generated by Pyrex is really placing the
function pointer in the struct, because ODE is acting like reading
null from that variable.

anyway, there are several parts of soya that I wish to comment about.

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