Jan Pazdziora wrote:
On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 11:22:06AM -0700, Mike McCune wrote:
For any development setups you will need to do the following:

1) Apply the following schema updates:


./schema-updater --connect=<your db connect string> --dir=/home/mmccune/devel/spacewalk/schema/spacewalk/upgrade/spacewalk-0.3-spacewalk-0.4/ --start=111

By the way, why do we have the exact same script in
spacewalk/java/scripts/schema-updater as well? Shouldn't we keep
one copy of that script, only, to avoid confusion?

I thought Partha removed the one from java/scripts.  Guess he didn't.

I further wonder why not to use the spacewalk-schema-upgrade script.
I know that schema-updater was supposed to be more feature rich, but:
you should be able to achieve the start / end behaviour with
spacewalk-schema-upgrade by creating new directory with symlinks,
and more importantly: we expect our users to use
spacewalk-schema-upgrade to upgrade their Spacewalk Servers, and
expect our customers to use it to upgrade their Satellites. Any
testing or improvements we can give to spacewalk-schema-upgrade
will bring benefits to our users and customers.

Could we try to eat our own dog food?

sure. Partha, can you speak to the above? Why do we need 2 scripts that do essentially the same thing? I know you had said it was 'for developers only' and not meant for upgrading between actual versions.

Seems better to just have one that works well for both.
Mike McCune
mmccune AT redhat.com
Engineering               | Portland, OR
RHN Satellite             | 650.567.9039x79248

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