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On Wed, 26 Nov 2008 10:36:04 -0500
"Jesus M. Rodriguez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 5:11 AM, Miroslav Suchý <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Jesus M. Rodriguez wrote:
> >>
> >> How does this compare to the build.py stuff we added?
> >
> > The formula for comparability is:
> >  Makefile.git > build.py
> > :)
> Then let's pick one or the other. Having two is confusing. While I
> prefer python over anything Makefile :) I don't see the need to
> reinvent the wheel now.
> Python would make it easier for other folks to contribute but not
> sure how far along it is compared to the Makefile approach.
> jesus

build.py was on hold while we sorted out the plan for some build issues
and who was going to be working on them. That's been assigned to me and
I'm in agreement in terms of doing it in Python so I've picked it back
up as of yesterday. This implies I'll have to replicate the new
behaviour Jan has added in the last weeks. A lot of it gets re-used 
as much of it boils down to git commands etc, it's just the glue
that changes. 

Build.py currently supports:

([EMAIL PROTECTED])[~/src/spacewalk/java] % ./build.py --help
Usage: build.py [options] arg

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --tgz          build .tar.gz
  --srpm         build srpm
  --rpm          build rpm
  --dist=DIST    dist tag to apply to srpm and/or rpm (i.e. .el5)
  --test         Use current branch HEAD instead of latest package tag.
  --no-cleanup   Do not clean up temporary build directories/files.
  --tag=TAG      Build a specific tag instead of the latest version.
  --debug        Print debug messages.

I still need to finish adding:

- - Building of packages we store a .tar.gz for in git.
- - Package tagging.
- - Keep version. (not sure how important this one is)
- - Other irritating oddities Jan probably found but I haven't hit yet.

Also build.py's aren't placed everywhere we have Makefiles now, I plan
to do this once I have that building of .tar.gz's working.

So going forward we probably should hold off on any major Makefile.git
work, or at least coordinate with me so we can put it into the best
place. My hope is that we can replace Makefile.git before too long.



- -- 
Devan Goodwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Software Engineer - Spacewalk / RHN Satellite
Halifax, Canada            650.567.9039x79267
Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)


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