Jan Pazdziora wrote:
On Thu, Jan 08, 2009 at 08:56:03AM -0500, Pradeep Kilambi wrote:
As I recall cliff mentioning to me once.. there is a bug in the specspo libraries with rpm which cause apache heap corruption due to specspo translating strings within memory when you use rhnpush to upload packages into a Satellite it would not free memory correctly.. I may have been fixed in specspo now..I'm not sure about that.

Looking at

        # rpm -ql specspo

output in RHEL 5, there are not libraries there -- just message
catalogues and one small rpm macro file.

There have not been libraries in past as well. See:
for content of specspo when Cliff has been working on that problem.

Miroslav Suchy
RHN Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

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