On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 11:48:36AM -0800, Mike McCune wrote:
>>>> su - oracle -c 'sqlplus / as sysdba' <<EOS
>>>> create user spacewalk identified by spacewalk default tablespace users;
>>>> grant dba to spacewalk;
>>>> alter system set processes = 400 scope=spfile;
>>>> alter system set "_optimizer_filter_pred_pullup"=false 
>>>> scope=spfile;  alter system set 
>>>> "_optimizer_cost_based_transformation"=off scope=spfile; EOS
>>> we should consider adding the user creation steps to spacewalk-setup
>> Do you mean spacewalk-setup the package, or spacewalk-setup the file
>> in /usr/bin?
> The file in /usr/bin :)

That's what I feared.

Ideally, spacewalk-setup (the file, and the Spacewalk/Setup.pm) should
how have anything embedded database or XE specific. That
spacewalk-setup should receive connect string to use, and that connect
string should point to a working, setup database user account.

We could do something like oracle-xe-utils or spacewalk-oracle-xe
(package) to hold any helper scripts. But we should aim at removing
even the last embedded db bits away from spacewalk-setup, not add new

I've added the "create user spacewalk" SQL to


and I'm actually considering removing the part about from that page, so the list of steps that
you need to do on Oracle XE prior to running spacewalk-setup should
get pretty short.

Jan Pazdziora
Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

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