Marcelo Moreira de Mello wrote:
% > %   Basically the problem happens when you have a configuration channel
% > %   which provides a directory as a symlink, the rhncfg-client get
% > 
% > A directory as a symlink - do you mean a link that points to a directory?
% Correct.
% > 
% > %   command works for the first time. When trying to redeploy the files
% > %   again, rhncfg-client get fails and rollback the files since since
% > %   shutil.copy() fails to overwrite the existing symlink directory. The
% > %   issue does not happen when the symlink is a file. 
% > 
% > This issue has been already addressed (by commit
% > 06a1f13b03f569c6a251e5fbe45069e6b8bb0c9f as stated in the bugzilla).
% > Is there a case where it doesn't work? What issue not covered by the
% > current fix does the new patch solve?
% Even having the commit 06a1f13b03f569c6a251e5fbe45069e6b8bb0c9f applied, the 
issue is not totally covered. Look below: 
% # rhncfg-client elist
% Mode          Owner Group          Size Rev      Config Channel    File
% lrwxrwxrwx     root root             14   1               teste    
/boot/cross-dir -> /usr/local/bin
% lrwxrwxrwx     root root             11   2               teste    
/boot/cross-link -> /etc/passwd
% -rw-r--r--     root root             15   1                    teste    
% lrwxrwxrwx     root root             10   2               teste    
/root/sym-link-same-part -> /etc/hosts
% lrwxrwxrwx     root root              4   1                teste    /teste -> 
% # rhncfg-client get /teste
% Deploying /teste
% # ls -lah /teste
% lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Nov 18 13:26 /teste -> /tmp
% # rhncfg-client get /teste
% Deploy failed, rollback successful

# rhncfg-client get /teste
Using server name test04-64
Deploying /teste

It works for me even for the second, third, etc. time.

# rpm -q rhncfg-client

What's version of your rhncfg-client?


Michael Mráka
Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

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