Working on spacewalk-report, I stumble upon inventory report, which goes like this:

# spacewalk-report inventory
1000010078,ipv6-25,,,2620:52:0:2223:20c:29ff:fecb:d06e,admin,2011-11-24 04:17:54,2011-11-24 12:17:37,2.6.32-131.6.1.el6.i686,0,0,spacewalk,,Spacewalk Management Entitled Servers,,Red Hat SatTeam,,i686,1 CPUs; eth0 00:0c:29:cb:d0:6e; lo 00:00:00:00:00:00

I added ipv6_address column, that's no problem. But column hardware (the last one) contains various information delimited using semicolon and space. And the network information is there as:
name ip_addr hw_addr
The question is whether we want ipv6_addr in this column and where?
Most straigtforward would be:
name ip_addr ip6_addr hw_addr
but that can break existing customers scripts around spacewalk-report. So
name ip_addr hw_addr ipv6_addr
would be probably better
But there is another problem as there are more then one ipv6 address for every interface.
Se we should there:
name ip_addr hw_addr ipv6_addr1 ipv6_addr2 ....
And question is whether I should filter out link addresses, which has very probably zero value for admins.

Lots of questions. And I would like to hear your opinions.


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