On 28.3.2012 21:29, Eduardo Bergavera wrote:

What necessary skills to become a volunteer in this effort?

Ability to read, write. Ability to thinking and knowledge of command line is advance, but not strictly required. :)

You will have to read through:


Then follow what is written in those article. Then write various rules file. E.g. you will learn that in RPM world we write:
 Build-Requires: python
while in DEB world they write:
 Build-Depends: python
etc. Very rarely you will have to use git, tar or make. But only in entry level knowledge, which you can gain after reading some basic tutorial for 30 minutes (unless you already know it).

To summarize it - when you wrote this email you already proved that you have all required skills. Now you have to decide if you want to dedicate your time to this.


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