Maximilian Meister wrote:
% Hi Michael,
% i changed the patch. So no additional javascript.
% * I replaced the struts tag with the standard html input tag to use
% the placeholder attribute
% * Some changes to the logic in
% spacewalk-pwstrength-handler.js:updateTickIcon()
% * Johannes Renner helped me with the Java code changes.

Hi Maximilian,

thanks for the patch update. I've applied to master.
% The question is now in UserEditActionHelper:62 we use more or less
% the same code for validation as in UpdateUserCommand:132
% As this is a small redundancy in code, I wanted to ask if it would
% make sense to put that code into
% a public function accessible by both classes, and where this
% function should reside.
% Do you think it is worth the extra work, or is the solution in the
% patch acceptable?

I see. Yes, in a perfect world we should, of course :), somehow reuse the
validation code from UpdateUserCommand in UserEditActionHelper but I'm not
sure whether it's worth the effort.

% Maximilian


Michael Mráka
Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

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