
as the title says please refrain usage of constructions that include html formatting in StringResource files as these are meant to serve localization purpose and not html formatting. Some things can be handled by jsp easily e.g take a look at my commit dede76b765f482c91f0ce8dfd0e5c0c986641af5 that fixes one issue.

<a href="/rhn/systems/Overview.do?showgroups=true"> <div class="btn btn-default spacewalk-btn-margin-vertical"> <i class="spacewalk-icon-system-groups"> </i> View System Groups </div> </a&gt this was in StringResource files copied in every localization, that's 8 copies of this (I hope that every of us remember that code duplication is bad) which increases difficulty of any future changes in this code. I've put this code into jsp file and therefore removed the html formatting from the StringResource files. Also this has side effect behaviour as one would expect string to pull in localized variant of the string but not some formatting associated with it - what if someone wanted use just the message?

I know there are some cases there's no other easy way how to not put html there, e.g. messages where's there link only in part of the string like:

<trans-unit id="ssm.overview.misc.deletereboot">
<source>&lt;a href="/rhn/systems/ssm/DeleteConfirm.do"&gt;Delete&lt;/a&gt; / &lt;a href="/rhn/systems/ssm/misc/RebootSystem.do"&gt;Reboot&lt;/a&gt; systems</source> as you can see these do not add any html/css associated with the string and I wouldn't expect these links to change anytime soon.

And I agree there's plenty of similar perversenesses I've described above but we're trying to get rid of them and I see no reason why we should introduce new ones ;)

Tomáš Kašpárek
Red Hat Satellite 5, Red Hat

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