On 02/17/2014 04:43 PM, Matej Kollar wrote:
>   * standard allows closing of tags,

Let me rephrase this: standard allows adding an optional trailing slash
to void elements, that by definition do not have end tags, as syntax

Non-void elements must have a start and end tag - "closing" and
"self-closing" are not defined by the standard.

So standard allows both adding and not adding, and IMO it's a matter of
choosing a coding convention.

>   * HTML is generated on some places explicitly... are you sure
>     it would not lead to state where we would be inconsistent (=bad),

I think that the goal of a coding convention is mostly patch consistency
- picking one style to avoid unneeded git conflicts because of different
programmers having different habits. Goal here is not being nice on
browsers' lexers IMO.

Actually I would say that this case is very similar to the problem of
having different whitespace conventions in JSPs (2 spaces, 4 spaces,
tabs) - since browsers accept anything the main concern should be
setting a rule for any future code contribution to minimize conflicts,
not necessarily fixing all inconsistencies right now.

>   * in case we switch (and do it properly and completely) it would
>     make it much harder to switch to say XHTML if desired,

We are focusing on Bootstrap and HTML5 only for the foreseeable future.

>   * without closing tags it would be like
>     those evil old times with wild HTML...

I cannot see your point here - HTML5 does not have those slashes by
default, whether that looks modern or not really disputed.

>     (not speaking about omitting closing tags...)

We are still committed to valid code, of course. Omitting end tags when
they are required by the standard is a whole different problem - code
that does not validate is wrong and should be fixed, as always.

>   * code that Michael commented on was wrong anyway as it only
>     deleted symbol and immediately pended it.

Thread renamed to keep the two discussions separated.

On the other hand, I would argue that:

 * those slashes are really superfluous;
 * a good portion of Web projects outside Spacewalk are following the
same convention, among others Bootstrap itself[1] and HTML5
Boilerplate[2], which is also used in Initializr[3] which in turn are
used in lots of projects.

I do acknowledge that debate is ongoing[4] and there is no ultimate
agreement in the wider Web development community, so I do not want to
start and endless discussion here trying to solve that.

So all I have is one last question:

Is this your own personal opinion or the whole Spacewalk team official
position? In particular, will future patches be rejected if they have
those trailing slashes?


[0] http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view/syntax.html#syntax-start-tag
[1] Bootstrap itself. See <br>, <link>, etc in official examples:
[2] http://html5boilerplate.com/
[3] http://www.initializr.com/
Silvio Moioli
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH
Maxfeldstraße 5, 90409 Nürnberg Germany

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