The Spacewalk git repository is migrating to github! This will enable better community submission interaction via the github pull request process, instead of emailing patches to a mailing list where they can be missed or forgotten.

As a result, you MUST update your existing git repositories to use the github Spacewalk repository as upstream instead of the fedorahosted repository. The fedorahosted Spacewalk repository will no longer be updated! The github repository should currently be identical to the fedorahosted repository, so you should be able to simply update your origin url and proceed with whatever you were doing.

To update your existing repository, please run one of the following commands:

git remote set-url origin
* Upside: If you have commit access you can upload your ssh public key to your github account and not have to log in to github every time you push something
 * Downside: Some proxies and firewalls block the ssh ports

git remote set-url origin
 * Upside: Works even behind proxies or firewalls
* Downside: If you have commit access you will have to log in to your github account each time you push

That's it, you are done and can continue with your life!

Q: Why is my github user not credited with my past commits?
A: That's probably because your github user is using a different email address than the one that they were committed under. Simply add (and verify) the other email address and then when github gets around to it they'll recalculate things and attribute your commits to you.

Q: What if my github user has write access to Spacewalk but I specifically want this clone to be read-only? A: You... can't. The closest you can come is to use the https url above so that you would be forced to manually type in your username / password to push back upstream. That will at least prevent accidents. And really that's not so different from a read-only url, because if you really wanted to you could always change the read-only url and then push from anywhere. Just use the https url and if it asks for your credentials you'll know you've done something wrong.

Q: What if I had write access to the fedorahosted repository and now I don't to the github repository?
A: Email me and I'll get you set up.

-Stephen Herr

Spacewalk-devel mailing list

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