
Greetings first: I am a long term Red Hat / Fedora user, Fedora packager and
PostgreSQL contributor. Currently managing PostgreSQL official YUM repository,
along with several packages for Fedora and EPEL.

Recently, I deployed Spacewalk on a CentOS 7.2 box, and used PostgreSQL 9.6 in
the backend, along with the latest JDBC driver (For the archives, I managed to
run Spacewalk using community PostgreSQL repositories with a few minor hacks, 

Every day, a few times, getting a traceback email:

Extra information about this error:
SQL Error generated: ('ERROR:  syntax error at or near "method"\nLINE 3: ...    
                    sa.remaining_tries, at.label method,\n                      
                                          ^\n', <connection object at 
0x7f0101b19180; dsn: 'password=xxxxxxxxxxxxx dbname=spacewalkdb 
user=spacewalkuser', closed: 0>, '\n                    select sa.action_id id, 
a.version,\n                           sa.remaining_tries, at.label method,\n   
a.prerequisite\n                      from rhnServerAction sa,\n                
           rhnAction a,\n                           rhnActionType at\n          
           where sa.server_id = %(server_id)s\n                       and 
sa.action_id = a.id\n                       and a.action_type = at.id\n         
              and sa.status in (0, 1) -- Queued or picked up\n                  
     and a.earliest_action <= current_timestamp -- Check earliest_action\n      
                  and not exists (\n                           select 1\n       
                      from rhnServerAction sap\n                            
where sap.server_id = %(server_id)s\n                              and 
sap.action_id = a.prerequisite\n                              and sap.status != 
2 -- completed\n                           )\n                      order by 
a.earliest_action, a.prerequisite nulls first, a.id\n    ')

Exception Handler Information
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/spacewalk/server/apacheRequest.py", 
line 135, in call_function
    response = func(*params)
  File "/usr/share/rhn/server/handlers/xmlrpc/queue.py", line 327, in get
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/spacewalk/server/rhnSQL/sql_base.py", 
line 151, in execute
    return self._execute_wrapper(self._execute, *p, **kw)
 line 303, in _execute_wrapper
    raise sql_base.SQLStatementPrepareError(self.dbh, e.pgerror, self.sql)
SQLStatementPrepareError: ('ERROR:  syntax error at or near "method"\nLINE 3: 
...                        sa.remaining_tries, at.label method,\n               
                                                 ^\n', <connection object at 
0x7f0101b19180; dsn: 'password=xxxxxxxxxxxxx dbname=spacewalkdb 
user=spacewalkuser', closed: 0>, '\n                    select sa.action_id id, 
a.version,\n                           sa.remaining_tries, at.label method,\n   
a.prerequisite\n                      from rhnServerAction sa,\n                
           rhnAction a,\n                           rhnActionType at\n          
           where sa.server_id = %(server_id)s\n                       and 
sa.action_id = a.id\n                       and a.action_type = at.id\n         
              and sa.status in (0, 1) -- Queued or picked up\n                  
     and a.earliest_action <= current_timestamp -- Check earliest_action\n 
                       and not exists (\n                           select 1\n  
                           from rhnServerAction sap\n                           
 where sap.server_id = %(server_id)s\n                              and 
sap.action_id = a.prerequisite\n                              and sap.status != 
2 -- completed\n                           )\n                      order by 
a.earliest_action, a.prerequisite nulls first, a.id\n    ')

Local variables by frame
Frame _execute_wrapper in 
at line 303
                    function = <type 'instancemethod'> <bound method 
Cursor._execute of <spacewalk.server.rhnSQL.driver_postgresql.Cursor instance 
at 0x7f0101def758>>
                           e = <class 'psycopg2.ProgrammingError'> syntax error 
at or near "method"
LINE 3: ...                        sa.remaining_tries, at.label method,

                        self = <type 'instance'> 
<spacewalk.server.rhnSQL.driver_postgresql.Cursor instance at 0x7f0101def758>
                       value = <type 'int'> 1000010020
                           p = <type 'tuple'> ()
                          kw = <type 'dict'> {'server_id': 1000010020}
                         key = <type 'str'> server_id
                      params = <type 'str'> server_id: 1000010020

Frame execute in 
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/spacewalk/server/rhnSQL/sql_base.py at line 151
                           p = <type 'tuple'> ()
                        self = <type 'instance'> 
<spacewalk.server.rhnSQL.driver_postgresql.Cursor instance at 0x7f0101def758>
                          kw = <type 'dict'> {'server_id': 1000010020}

Frame get in /usr/share/rhn/server/handlers/xmlrpc/queue.py at line 327
                      status = <type 'dict'> {'uname': ['Linux', 
'koji-sl6-x86-64-pg93', '2.6.32-642.4.2.el6.x86_64', '#1 SMP Tue Aug 23 
11:15:56 CDT 2016', 'x86_64'], 'uptime': [4483833, 4428834]}
                           h = <type 'instance'> 
<spacewalk.server.rhnSQL.driver_postgresql.Cursor instance at 0x7f0101def758>
                        self = <type 'instance'> 
<server.handlers.xmlrpc.queue.Queue instance at 0x7f0101dedab8>
                         ret = <type 'dict'> {}
                     version = <type 'int'> 2
                   system_id = <type 'str'> <?xml version="1.0"?>

It looks like the SQL query is throwing errors somewhere. I think this is
related to PostgreSQL 9.6. If you can point me to the place that I can look, I
will be more than happy to provide a patch.


EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
PostgreSQL Danışmanı/Consultant, Red Hat Certified Engineer
Twitter: @DevrimGunduz , @DevrimGunduzTR

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