Working on a Spacewalk 2.1 deployment, and almost everything is perfect.  

When trying to configure a Kickstart profile, the following conditions are 

*         When displaying the "Kickstart File" tab in the profile, the frontend 
displays "There are errors in your Kickstart template.  Please check the error 
message below", but there is no error message below...

*         The "System Details" tab, "Partitioning" subtab, displays the 
Partition Details value as a long unbroken string of hexadecimal digits.

*         A tail if cobbler.log shows:
Tue Oct  7 20:28:41 2014 - INFO | REMOTE generate_kickstart; user(?)
Tue Oct  7 20:28:41 2014 - INFO | generate_kickstart
Tue Oct  7 20:28:41 2014 - WARNING | errors were encountered rendering the 
Tue Oct  7 20:28:41 2014 - WARNING |
[{'code': u'VFFSL(SL,"mgQt",True)',
  'exc_val': NotFound("cannot find 'mgQt'",),
  'lineCol': (24, 22),
  'rawCode': u'$mgQt',
  'time': 'Tue Oct  7 20:28:41 2014'},
{'code': u'VFFSL(SL,"BYgGr35Jip.e5cNlWW2Dj",True)',
  'exc_val': NotFound("cannot find 'BYgGr35Jip'",),
  'lineCol': (24, 31),
  'rawCode': u'$BYgGr35Jip.e5cNlWW2Dj',
  'time': 'Tue Oct  7 20:28:41 2014'}]

I've cruised the archives and performed other searches, but have hit a dead 
end.  Has anyone observed behavior like this?


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