% Hi,
% I am new to spacewalk so I was hoping someone with some experience could
% help me sort out an issue that I am having.  I have followed the
% instructions on the spacewalk wiki for installing.  I current have
% spacewalk 2.2 and postgresql 9.3 installed on a fresh fedora 20 install.
% I can login to the spacewalk web page and created a channel
% (spacewalk_channel) and repo (local_repo) with no problems.  I was able to
% install the client packages onto a client with no errors also.  However,
% when I attempt to add the client, on the main server, I receive and error
% that it could not re-connect to the database.  I'm not sure why this is
% happening since I can connect to the database fine from the command line,
% and the local spacewalk site works fine, including the creation of the
% channel and repo so it's obviously talking to the database.  I should also
% note that this is the first client I have tried to add and I have
% max_connections set to 600 so it should not be a connection limit issue.

Is there any related error in

%   File
% "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/spacewalk/server/rhnSQL/",
% line 117, in initDB
%     raise e
% SQLConnectError: (None, None, 'spaceschema', 'Attempting Re-Connect to the
% database failed')


Michael Mráka
Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

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