Am 4. Januar 2017 16:16:25 MEZ schrieb Daryl Rose <>:
>Hello Jeremy,
>Thank you for the information, and sorry for the late reply.  Holidays
>and a heavy work load prevented me from getting back to this topic.
>Actually, you are the first person to specifically answer some of these
>questions.   I do specifically remember asking the question, more than
>once, what am I missing?  So, I believe the answer to that question is
>the SSL keys.  I don't remember when I setup the original server
>setting up keys, but I must have if it had worked.
>I've read through the documentation, and I've read the
>subscription-manager man page, but I'm not really sure how to get the
>keys and what to do with them once I do get them.  I am able to
>download the server entitlement from the Red Hat subscription, but I'm
>not sure if that is what I need or not.  Also, I'm not familiar enough
>with certificates and I don't want to start trying commands that I am
>not familiar with and break my current configuration, which I know can
>When I look at the repository page in the WUI, I see three SSL
>  *   SSL CA Certificate
>  *   SSL Client Certificate
>  *   SSL Client Key
>I'm assuming these are what I have to set, correct?  In the drop down,
>there is only a single choice,
>I tried selecting that in the past, but that did not resolve this
>issue.  Do I have to install the entitlement that I downloaded from Red
>If someone can point me in the right direction of how to get the certs,
>and how to add them into Spacewalk without breaking my current
>configuration, I would appreciate it.
>Thank you.
><> on behalf of
>Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2016 10:29 AM
>Subject: Re: [Spacewalk-list] RHEL 6.x repository not syncing from
>Hi Daryl
>At the risk of repeating something someone else has already said,
>here's my thoughts:
>Spacewalk-repo-sync and the subscription manager registration are two
>separate things. I don't think anyone doubts that your server is
>registered all fine with RedHat and that all the relevant yum commands
>work. But as far as I know the two are unrelated.
>If you want to sync directly with Spacewalk itself (spacewalk-repo-sync
>is that, and it uses the repo config you set within spacewalk) then you
>will have to use the way Paul described:
>2) using a the same URL and keys as subscription manager, the URLs for
>the repos and the SSL keys can be retrieved from subscritpion manager
>on a registered host or through by drilling into the
>the scheduling and exact options like the URL and if a SSL cert is
>used are configured on each repository through the spacewalk web
>interface. by the way this is the url you were being asked about.
>Aka: in your repository configuration in spacewalk you have to enter
>the correct URL, along with an SSL CA Certificate, SSL Client
>Certificate and SSL Client Key. The info where to get these and how to
>use them has been posted on the list a few times.
>Now the URL should be fine from what I read, but did you check the SSL
>cert/key? Are they the ones for your current registered server or for
>the old one? Are they still valid? (I had mine expire earlier this
>year, took me a while to figure out that was the issue) If there is an
>issue with these the sync will just outright fail without much useful
>info. Example:
>Sync started: Sun Nov 20 20:30:00 2016
>['/usr/bin/spacewalk-repo-sync', '--channel', 'rhel-6-server-x86_64',
>'--type', 'yum', '']
>Repo URL: <whatever correct URL for whatever repo you want>
>ERROR: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository:
>rhel-6-server-x86_64. Please verify its path and try again
>Sync completed.
>Total time: 0:00:00
>On 20/12/2016 16:44, Daryl Rose wrote:
>Thank you for the reply, and I apologize if I came off angry in my
>reply to you before.
>In your comments you kept asking about the URL.  As I've stated many
>times previously, the server is registered, and entitled properly. 
>I've been able to prove this many different ways.  By running the yum
>command, by using the subscription-manager command to verify my
>entitlement etc....  I even opened a ticket with Red Hat to verify the
>entitlement, but because I mentioned Spacewalk in the ticket they told
>me to go pound sand because I don't have a Satellite subscription.   
>But that was just a feel good ticket anyway.  I know that the URL that
>I am using is accurate, because I can run the "yum repolist", "yum
>update" and "reposync" command and they all work.  There is something
>else that is broke.
>You and others tell me to look at the logs, however, there is nothing
>in the logs to point me in the direction on what the issue is. I've
>posted the only error that I receive.  Oh, one thing that I have failed
>to mention is that I disabled the schedule a couple of weeks ago when
>this issue first started.  So that takes taskomatic out of the picture.
>I have been using the "spacewalk-repo-sync" command from the command
>line trying to troubleshoot this issue. That is why in all of my
>previous updates I kept specifying spacewalk-repo-sync.  But that is my
>fault for not mentioning that before.
>With that said, I don't care how many verbose v's I put at the end of
>the command, the only error that I get is the error that I've been
>Here is what I get in the channel log:
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 Sync of channel started.
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 2595
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 Repo URL: <RHEL URL HERE>
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 Sync of channel completed in 0:00:00.
>Here is what I get in the reposync.log:
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 Command: ['/usr/bin/spacewalk-repo-sync',
>'--channel', 'rhel-6-server-rpms', '-vvv']
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 2595
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 2595
>server/rhnChannel.isCustomChannel(136, 'is a custom channel')
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 2595
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 2595
>server/rhnChannel.isCustomChannel(133, 'is a custom channel')
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 2595
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 2595
>server/rhnChannel.isCustomChannel(103, 'is a custom channel')
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 2595
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 2595
>server/rhnChannel.isCustomChannel(122, 'is a custom channel')
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 2595
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 2595
>server/rhnChannel.isCustomChannel(129, 'is a custom channel')
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 2595
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 2595
>server/rhnChannel.isCustomChannel(120, 'is a custom channel')
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 2595
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 2595
>server/rhnChannel.isCustomChannel(121, 'is a custom channel')
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 2595
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 2595
>server/rhnChannel.isCustomChannel(131, 'is a custom channel')
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 2595
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 2595
>server/rhnChannel.isCustomChannel(124, 'is a custom channel')
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 2595
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 2595
>server/rhnChannel.isCustomChannel(138, 'is a custom channel')
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 2595
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 2595
>server/rhnChannel.isCustomChannel(134, 'is a custom channel')
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 ======================================
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 | Channel: rhel-6-server-rpms
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 ======================================
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 Sync of channel started.
>Please check 'reposync/rhel-6-server-rpms.log' for sync log of this
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 Sync of channel completed.
>2016/12/20 09:12:22 -05:00 Total time: 0:00:00
>Not much information to go on.
>on behalf of Robert Paschedag
>Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2016 9:02 AM
>Subject: Re: [Spacewalk-list] RHEL 6.x repository not syncing from
>Hi Daryl,
>I'm not angry....also frustrated because we all seem to talk about
>different things and you seem to focus on an problem, that - in my
>opinion - is not of interest yet.
>The first is to get the synchronisation from RHEL done!
> your first post, you wrote, that you did not get updates from
>RHEL since several month. This makes me are
>downloading "directly" from RHEL. Hence, this is your "master"
>spacewalk server. So the "creation" of the metadata of the "downloaded"
>packages (that does not work right now) is currently useless.
>The main problem is....why can't you download the packages?
>One problem might be...that you are "not" entitlet to download. But you
>wrote, you are. So I take this for granted.
>So....when I look into one of my sync logs, it looks like this...(these
>are stored in /var/log/rhn/reposync/...)
>Sync started: Tue Mar 22 11:43:43 2016
>['/usr/bin/spacewalk-repo-sync', '--channel',
>'sles12-sp1-updates-x86_64', '--type', 'yum']
>Repo URL:
>Packages in 
Hi Daryl,

I don't have access to redhat but maybe these links can help. 

An active subscribing is needed to access the links.

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