I've been encountering a problem configuring SLES 12 repositories with Spacewalk.   This problem seems to have been addressed before (i.e. https://www.redhat.com/archives/spacewalk-list/2015-February/msg00012.html), but this patch doesn't work for me.
The problem appears to be with the repositories themselves.   SUSE requires a token to be placed at the end of their repository URLs.  Without the token the http server returns a status of 403.  
I've placed the URL with associated token in my repository config.   Entering this URL into a browser loads the repository perfectly.   When Spacewalk attempts to access the repository it needs to access the repomd.xml file which it appends to the URL.   This appears to be done incorrectly.
Note the original URL is:
When Spacewalk attempts to access the URL to sync it appends /repodata/repomd.xml to the URL as follows:
This is incorrect, it should be:
The last URL works fine when placed in a browser.
Note the following from the Spacewalk logs
2018/03/26 10:53:58 -04:00 Repo URL: https://updates.suse.com/SUSE/Products/SLE-SERVER/12-SP3/x86_64/product?tokenGoesHerehttps://updates.suse.com/SUSE/Products/SLE-SERVER/12-SP3/x86_64/product?tokenGoesHere/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno -1] Error importing repomd.xml for SLES12-SP3-Pool x86_64: Damaged repomd.xml file
2018/03/26 10:54:01 -04:00 ERROR: failure: repodata/repomd.xml from SLES12-SP3-Pool x86_64: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
The damaged repomd.xml file is caused by the 403 status return from the server.
It looks like the initial fix (referenced in the link in my first paragraph) was to apply a diff to the Python urlgrabber source.   This diff doesn't work for me.   Since it's dated back in 2014 it's possible my source for urlgrabber is much newer and not compatible with the diff.
Does anyone have Spacewalk working with the SLES 12 repositories?  
I'm using Spacewalk 2.7.

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