Hi all

I've recently built a SW 2.8 environment, added Channels/Repositories for 
RHEL/Oracle Linux 6/7 and successfully patched relevant client systems. I now 
want to know how people are managing their patching workflow - at this point in 
time I just want to ensure the same group of patches are applied to Dev, Test 
and Production after sufficient testing has been performed. If I never re-sync 
these repositories obviously they'll remain static and could be used for the 
whole workflow. However, other service areas may want their environments 
patched at different times with additional patches. I guess I could just create 
similar Channels/Repositories, at a later time, but that would be time 
consuming and need more disk space. I've seen references to cloning using 
WebUI, spacecmd -- softwarechannel_clone, spacewalk-clone-by-date or 
spacewalk-manage-channel-lifecycle and can research these further but just 
wondering what people have found to be the easiest and most reliable solution 


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