You could use activation keys that map to certain base/child channels.

Then just run a registration script on the system (shameless plug example:

You may also be able to use distribution channel mappings, but I haven't
used those, so can't speak much on that.

Good luck.

Bill Howe

On Tue, Feb 26, 2019, 13:42 <> wrote:

> We are trying to figure out how to automate registering our servers with
> specific repositories.  Currently, we kickstart new servers and have them
> register to spacewalk using a universal activation key that has no channels
> associated with it.  We did this so that when we create new frozen channels
> every month we can just associate the servers with that specific channel -
> for instance all our rhel7 servers were just patched with our Feb1_2019 set
> of channels, and next week they will all be patched with March1_2019
> channels.  Would it be possible to automate attaching channels to a server
> using spacecmd?
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