Hello Spacewalk list.

Fresh Spacewalk 2.9 server.
OEL 8 kickstart image.

System does not register with Spacewalk server after kickstarting.

Manually running rhnreg_ks produces a trace back from the Spacewalk server.

Exception Handler Information
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/spacewalk/server/apacheRequest.py", 
line 135, in call_function
    response = func(*params)
  File "/usr/share/rhn/server/handlers/xmlrpc/registration.py", line 519, in 
    architecture, data)
  File "/usr/share/rhn/server/handlers/xmlrpc/registration.py", line 358, in 
    and not rhnVirtualization.is_host_uuid(virt_uuid):
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/spacewalk/server/rhnVirtualization.py", line 
850, in is_host_uuid
    uuid = eval('0x%s' % uuid)
  File "<string>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

The error on the system in /root/ks-rhn-post.log:
rhn-plugin: Error communicating with server. The message was:

Error Message:
    Required members missing
Error Class Code: 21
Error Class Info: Invalid arguments passed to function.
     An error has occurred while processing your request. If this problem
     persists please enter a bug report at bugzilla.redhat.com.
     If you choose to submit the bug report, please be sure to include
     details of what you were trying to do when this error occurred and
     details on how to reproduce this problem.

ERROR: unable to read system id.

Thank you.
Spacewalk-list mailing list

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