> Hello,
> I have an issue concerning this errata. I push a schedule from my spacewalk 
> server 2.9 to my client centos8 with 2.10 release.
> So the Errata indicate that news packages fixed are :
> CentOS 8 AppStream x86_64 
> <>
> sha256:bab4f2d595a4465f87e2d280270abb2f0523060fccc368e3cb644e2fc7587be0 
> perl-5.24.4-404.module_el8.1.0+229+cd132df8:4-x86_64 
> <>
> All packages are existing on my server and can dowload them by gui.
> But the client Centos8 can't download them because package name are changed. 
> See errors on up2date logs :
> [Wed Mar 18 17:28:52 2020] up2date updateLoginInfo() login info
> [Wed Mar 18 17:28:52 2020] up2date logging into up2date server
> [Wed Mar 18 17:28:52 2020] up2date successfully retrieved authentication 
> token from up2date server
> [Wed Mar 18 17:28:53 2020] up2date E: Package 
> perl-4:5.24.4-404.module_el8.1.0+229+cd132df8.x86_64 is not available for 
> installation
> You can see below packages are renamed adding < -X : > after name package so 
> packages are missing with syntax.
> Is this a bug on client ?


It is not a bug. perl-5.24.4-404.module_el8.1.0+229+cd132df8 is a part
of module (as the version suffix suggests). And your client does not
have this module enabled which means theres nothing to update.
Spacewalk webUI can't properly display updates for modular systems, this
is known limitation.

The different package name you see is only an inconsistency in name
formating (name-version-release:epoch-arch vs. name-epoch:version-release.arch).

Michael Mráka
System Management Engineering, Red Hat

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