I'm posting a script for using SA with the Mailman listserver.
The script makes possible message approval via the shell, saving a
lot of time otherwise spent on downloading Mailman web pages,
typing passwords etc.  The script is written by Kjetil Torgrim
Homme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, send comments if any to him.  The
script allows for example setting the spam level you want for
automatic discard.  The script contains some UiO-specific code for
retrieving the location of Mailman and list files.

Thomas Gramstad


#! /local/bin/perl5
# listadmin version 2.00
# Written 2003 by Kjetil Torgrim Homme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Released into public domain.

use HTML::TokeParser;
use LWP::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;
use Term::ReadLine;
use strict;

my $term = new Term::ReadLine 'listadmin';
my $rc = $ENV{"HOME"}."/.listadmin.ini";
my $oldconf = $ENV{"HOME"}."/.listconf";
upgrade_config($oldconf, $rc);

if (@ARGV >= 2 && $ARGV[0] eq "-f") {
    shift; $rc = shift;
if (@ARGV != 0) {
    print STDERR "Usage: $0 [-f CONFIGFILE]\n";
    exit (64);

my $config = read_config ($rc);

unless ($config) {
    exit (0) unless prompt_for_config ($rc);
    $config = read_config ($rc);

my ($info, $id, $subject);

format STDOUT =
From:    @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Subject: ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
~~       ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Reason:  @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  Spam? @<<
         $info->{$id}{"reason"},               $info->{$id}{"spamscore"}

my $prompt =
'Approve/Reject/Discard/Skip/view Body/view Full/Help/Quit/eXit';

for my $list (sort {$config->{$a}{"order"} <=> $config->{$b}{"order"}}
                   keys %{$config}) {
    my $def = $config->{$list}{"default"};
    my $spamlevel = $config->{$list}{"spamlevel"};
    my $user = $config->{$list}{"user"};
    my $pw = $config->{$list}{"password"};

    print "fetching data for $list\n";
    $info = get_list ($list, $user, $pw);
    my $num = 0;
    my $count = keys (%{$info}) - 1;
    my %change = ();
    my $listprompt = $prompt;
    $listprompt = $prompt . " [" . uc($def) . "]" if $def;
    $listprompt .= " ? ";

    for $id (sort keys %{$info}) {
        next if $id eq "global";
        $subject = $info->{$id}{"subject"};
        print "\n[$num/$count] ======= #$id of $list =======\n";

        while (1) {
            my $ans;
            if ($spamlevel && $info->{$id}{"spamscore"} >= $spamlevel) {
                print "Automatically discarded as spam.\n";
                $ans = "d";
            $ans ||= $config->{$list}{"action"};
            $ans ||= $term->readline ($listprompt);
            $ans = "q" unless defined $ans;
            $ans = $def if $ans eq "";
            $ans =~ s/\s+//g;
            $ans = lc $ans;
            last msgloop if $ans eq "q";
            next msgloop if $ans eq "s";
            if ($ans eq "a" || $ans eq "d") {
                $change{$id} = [ $ans ];
            } elsif ($ans eq "r") {
                my $r = $term->readline ("Why do you reject? ",
                if ($r =~ /^\s*$/) {
                    print "aborted\n";
                $change{$id} = [ "r", $r ];
            } elsif ($ans eq "x") {
                %change = ();
                last msgloop;
            } elsif ($ans eq "f") {
                print $info->{$id}{"excerpt"};
            } elsif ($ans eq "b") {
                my $text = $info->{$id}{"excerpt"};
                $text =~ s/.*?\n\n//s;
                my @lines = split (/\n/, $text, 21);
                pop @lines;
                print join ("\n", @lines), "\n";
            } elsif ($ans eq "") {
                # nothing.
            } else {
                print <<"end";
Choose one of the following actions by typing the corresponding letter
and pressing Return.

  a  Approve   -- the message will be sent to all member of the list
  r  Reject    -- notify sender that the message was rejected
  d  Discard   -- throw message away, don't notify sender
  s  Skip      -- don't decide now, leave it for later
  b  view Body -- display the first 20 lines of the message
  f  view Full -- display the complete message, including headers
  q  Quit      -- go on to the next list
  x  eXit      -- go on to the next list, undo all actions chosen

                print <<"end" if $def;
The default action for this list when you only press Return is '$def'

    commit_changes ($list, $user, $pw, \%change, $info);

sub mailman_url {
    my ($list, $user, $pw) = @_;

    $pw =~ s/(\W)/sprintf("%%%02x", ord($1))/ge;

    my $args = "username=$user&adminpw=$pw";
    my ($lp, $domain) = split ('@', $list);
    my $www;
    if ($domain eq "lister.ping.uio.no") {
        return "https://$domain/mailman/$domain/admindb/$lp?$args";;
    } elsif ($domain =~ /^(\w+)\.uio\.no$/) {
        $www = "$1-lists.uio.no";
    } elsif ($domain eq "uio.no") {
        $www = "uio-lists.uio.no";
    } else {
        $www = "lister.uio.no";
    return "http://$www/mailman/admindb/$list?$args";;

sub get_list {
    my ($list, $user, $pw) = @_;

    # where we gather all the information about pending messages
    my %data = ();

    my $page = get (mailman_url ($list, $user, $pw));

    my $parse = HTML::TokeParser->new(\$page) || die;
    my ($from, $subject, $reason, $id, $tag, $excerpt, $spamscore, $rej);
    my $date;
    my $mailmanversion = 1;
    while ($parse->get_tag ("table")) {

        $parse->get_tag ("tr") || die; # From:_or_ at end
        $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
        my $ver = $parse->get_trimmed_text ("/td") || die;
        last if $ver =~ /version/;
        $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
        $from = $parse->get_trimmed_text("/td");

        $parse->get_tag ("tr") || die $page; # Reason:
        $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
        $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
        $reason = $parse->get_trimmed_text("/td");

        $parse->get_tag ("tr") || die; # Subject:
        $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;

        # the parsing just happens to fail here when the wrong
        # password is given...
        $parse->get_tag ("td") ||
                die "Parse failed.  Is your username and password correct?\n";
        $subject = $parse->get_trimmed_text("/td");

        $parse->get_tag ("tr") || die; # Action:
        $tag = $parse->get_tag ("input") || die;
        $id = $tag->[1]{"name"};

        $parse->get_tag ("tr") || die; # Reject _or_ Preserve message
        $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
        $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
        $rej = $parse->get_trimmed_text("/td") || die;
        if ($rej =~ /Preserve message/) {
            $mailmanversion = 2;
            $parse->get_tag ("tr") || die;    # forward
            $parse->get_tag ("tr") || die;    # Reject
            $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
            $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
            $rej = $parse->get_trimmed_text("/td") || die;

        $parse->get_tag ("tr") || die; # Message Excerpt _or_ Headers
        $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
        $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
        $excerpt = $parse->get_text("/td");
        $excerpt =~ /^X-UiO-Spam-score: (s+)/m;
        $spamscore = length ($1 || "");
        $excerpt =~ /^Date: (.*)$/m;
        $date = $1;

        if ($mailmanversion == 2) {
            $parse->get_tag ("tr") || die;  # Message Excerpt
            $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
            $parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
            $excerpt .= "\n" . $parse->get_text("/td");

        $parse->get_tag ("/table") || die;

        $data{$id} = { "from" => $from,
                       "subject" => $subject,
                       "date" => $date,
                       "reason" => $reason,
                       "spamscore" => $spamscore,
                       "rejreason" => $rej,
                       "excerpt" => $excerpt };
    if ($mailmanversion == 1) {
        $data{"global"}{"actions"} = { "a" => 0,
                                       "r" => 1,
                                       "d" => 2 };
    } else {
        $data{"global"}{"actions"} = { "a" => 1,
                                       "r" => 2,
                                       "d" => 3 };
    return \%data;

# .listconf was the configuration file for the previous listadmin
# script, which was written in Bash and simply sourced the file...
sub upgrade_config {
    my ($conf, $rc) = @_;
    return if -f $rc;
    return unless -f $conf;

    print "Converting to new configuration file, $rc\n\n";

    my $cmd = ". $conf; umask 077; > $rc ". <<'END';
(echo "# automatically converted from .listconf";
 echo "#";
 echo "username $LISTUSER";
 echo "password \"$LISTPASS\"";
 echo "spamlevel 12";
 echo "default discard";
 echo "# uncomment the following to get a terse transaction log";
 echo "# log \"~/.listadmin.log\"";
 echo ""
 for l in $LISTS; do echo "$l"; done
    system $cmd;

sub read_config {
    my ($file) = @_;

    my ($user, $pw, $spam, $list);
    my %conf = ();
    my $line = "";
    my $action = "";
    my $default = "";
    my $count = 0;
    my $lineno = 0;
    my $logfile;

    my %act = ("approve" => "a", "discard" => "d",
               "reject" => "r", "skip" => "s", "none" => "");

    return undef unless open (CONF, $file);
    while (<CONF>) {
        next if /^\s*#/;
        if (/\\$/) {
            $line = $`; # $PREFIX
        $line .= $_;
        $line =~ s/^\s+//;
        next if /^$/;
        if ($line =~ /^username\s+/i) {
            $user = $'; # $POSTFIX
            $user =~ s/\s+$//;
            $user =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
            if ($user !~ /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/) {
                print STDERR "$file:$lineno: Illegal username: '$user'\n";
                exit 1;
        } elsif ($line =~ /^password\s+/i) {
            $pw = $'; # $POSTFIX
            $pw =~ s/\s+$//;
            if ($pw =~ /^"(.*)"$/) {
                $pw = $1;
                $pw =~ s/\\"/"/g;
                $pw =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
        } elsif ($line =~ /^spamlevel\s+/i) {
            $spam = $';
            if ($spam =~ /^(\d+)\s*$/) {
                $spam = $1;
            } else {
                print STDERR "$file:$lineno: Illegal spamlevel value: '$spam'\n";
                exit 1;
        } elsif ($line =~ /^action\s+/i) {
            $action = $'; # $POSTFIX
            $action =~ s/^"(.*)"\s*/$1/;
            unless (defined $act{$action}) {
                print STDERR "$file:$lineno: Illegal action value: '$action'\n";
                exit 1;
            $action = $act{$action};
        } elsif ($line =~ /^default\s+/i) {
            $default = $'; # $POSTFIX
            $default =~ s/^"(.*)"\s*/$1/;
            unless (defined $act{$default}) {
                print STDERR "$file:$lineno: Illegal default value: '$default'\n";
                exit 1;
            $default = $act{$default};
        } elsif ($line =~ /^log\s+/i) {
            $logfile = $'; # $POSTFIX
            $logfile =~ s/^"(.*)"\s*/$1/;
            $logfile =~ s/\\"/"/g;
            $logfile =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
            $logfile =~ s,^\$HOME/,$ENV{'HOME'}/,;
            $logfile =~ s,^~/,$ENV{'HOME'}/,;
            $logfile =~ s,^~(\w+)/,(getpwnam($1))[7]."/",e;
            if ($logfile =~ /^M:/i) {
                $logfile =~ s,\\,/,g;
                $logfile =~ s,^M:,$ENV{'HOME'},;
            $logfile = undef if $logfile eq "none";
        } elsif ($line =~ /^([^@ [EMAIL PROTECTED]@])+\s*/) {
            $conf{$line} = { "user" => $user,
                             "password" => $pw,
                             "spamlevel" => $spam,
                             "action" => $action,
                             "default" => $default,
                             "logfile" => $logfile,
                             "order" => ++$count,
        } else {
            print STDERR "$file:$lineno: Syntax error: '$line'\n";
            exit 1;
        $line = "";
    close (CONF);
    return \%conf;

sub prompt_for_config {
    my ($rc) = @_;

    print "No configuration file found: $rc\n";
    my $ans = $term->readline ("Do you want to create one? [yes] ");
    print "\n";
    if ($ans !~ /^\s*(|y|yes|j|ja)\s*$/i) {
        print "I take that as a no.  Goodbye!\n";
        return undef;
    umask 077;
    unless (open (RC, ">$rc")) {
        print STDERR "$rc: $!\n";
        return undef;
    my $user = $term->readline ("Enter Mailman username: ");
    print "\n";
    print RC "username $user\r\n";
    my $pass = $term->readline ("Enter Mailman password (will appear on screen): ");
    print "\n";
    $pass =~ s/"/\\"/g;
    print RC "password \"$pass\"\r\n";

    print <<END;
Listadmin can discard messages with a high spam score automatically.
A value in the interval 5 to 12 is recommended.
    my $spam = $term->readline ("What threshold do you want? [8]");
    print "\n";
    $spam =~ s/\s*//g;
    $spam ||= "8";
    if ($spam =~ /^\d+$/) {
        print RC "spamlevel $spam\r\n";
    } else {
        print "No automatic discard will be done.\n";
    my $extra = <<END;

# If you uncomment the following you will only have to press Return
# to discard a message:
# default discard

# Uncomment the following to get a terse transaction log:
# log "~/.listadmin.log"

    $extra =~ s/\n/\r\n/g;
    print RC $extra;

    print <<END;
Now enter the addresses of the lists you maintain.  End with an empty
    my $list;
    do {
        $list = $term->readline ("> ");
        print "\n";
        $list =~ s/\s*//g;
        print RC "$list\r\n" if $list;
    } while ($list);
    close (RC);
    print <<END;

The configuration has been saved in $rc.
You can edit this file with an ordinary text editor, such as Notepad,
Pico, or Emacs.  To read about all the configuration options, run
'man listadmin'.

    return 1;

sub commit_changes {
    my ($list, $user, $pw, $change, $msgs, $logfile) = @_;

    my $url = mailman_url ($list, $user, $pw);
    my $changes = 0;
    my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = (localtime (time))[0..5];
    my $log = sprintf ("submitting %s %04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d\n",
                       $list, $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
    my $action = $msgs->{"global"}{"actions"};

    for $id (keys %{$change}) {
        my ($what, $text) = @{$change->{$id}};
        $url .= "&$id=" . $action->{$what};
        $log .= sprintf ("%s D:[%s] F:[%s] S:[%s]\n",
        if ($what == "r") {
            $text =~ s/(\W)/sprintf("%%%02x", ord($1))/ge;
            $url .= "&comment_$id=$text";
    if ($changes) {
        my $opened;
        if ($logfile) {
            if (open (LOG, ">>$logfile")) {
                $opened = 1;
                print LOG $log;
            } else {
                print STDERR "WARNING: Failed to append to $logfile: $!\n";
        get ($url);
        if ($opened) {
            print LOG "changes sent to server.\n";
            close (LOG);


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