Hi Guenther,

> > Fresh popcorn if you would like some.  I had one come through today
> > (which I actually had anticipated, just had to figure out how to
> > the rule.) If you use this set, I'd update.  It catches quite a lot
> > in the tag.
> Thanks for the update. :)

My Pleasure!

> > http://spamhammers.nxtek.net
> How are those files organized on that site? I couldn't find a link to
> the .cf files, so I just tried. Found popcorn.cf and weeds.cf but
> backhair.cf doesn't exist...

I only linked the popcorn.cf on the site (as a temp download until Chris
S. is able to get it on his rules emporium.)  I'll leave them on there
from now on as well as giving them to chris.  The weeds you located were
on there just as 'storage'...  I'm editing those.  ;)  sneak peek.
Those are still in testing mode. still need to do a few tweaks when I
get time, but they do work. ...still, you might grab the other Weeds set
since I'm not exactly sure what was up there. (I replaced the set you
got from the site with the current weeds.)  I've put all three sets up
for download.  They're the most recent versions and match what you see
in the 'showcase area'.  Please let me know if you have any problems, I
put them up in haste.  ;)  wget away!

Popcorn Only - http://spamhammers.nxtek.net/popcorn.cf
Backhair Only - http://spamhammers.nxtek.net/backhair.cf
Weeds Only - http://spamhammers.nxtek.net/weeds.cf
PB&W Gift Basket - http://spamhammers.nxtek.net/pbw.cf

(I had the popcorn link above the rules, but it was a little hard to


> Also I was wondering, which are the most recent files. The .cf files
> itself or the version mentioned in index.html?
> Would be cool to just wget those files...
> ...guenther
> --
> char
> main(){ char h,m=h=*t++,*x=t+2*h,c,i,l=*x,s=0; for (i=0;i<l;i++){ i%8?
> c<<=1:
> (c=*++x); c&128 && (s+=h); if (!(h>>=1)||!t[s+h]){
> }}}
> -------------------------------------------------------
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