Hi all,

First of all - this is a great program.  I have it up and working on my 
computer.  The trouble is that I'd like to make it available to anyone who logs 
on to my machine - others don't have administrator access, so they can't 
install the plugin.

However, I've tried using outlook_addin_register.exe, and it's seemingly having 
no effect.  (I tried both "outlook_addin_register.exe" and 
"outlook_addin_register.exe hkey_local_machine")  No change for other users, 
and the SpamBayes log is blank.   ("The log file for this session cannot be 
located", and searching for *.log on my computer yields nothing.)

I'm wondering if this is related to the environment I'm working in:
Windows 7, 64-bit version
Outlook 2010, available through MS AppV
SpamBayes Outlook plugin
Local (computer-specific) administrator rights only.  (and not complete rights; 
for example, I can't switch the $@#*()* screensaver!)

Does anyone have any suggestions?  Would it be possible to manually edit the 
registry to make it available to others?
Thank you!


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