I have Postfix+Dovecot+MySql running on a MAC OS X 10.10.3 and mail is delivered on the server fine. I did have a different setup originally with Spambayes as the spam filter, but changed it and now can't figure out how to reconfigure spambayes?

I hope I am being clear enough here...

The old configuration says the mail box as the standard Unix mail
robert$ pwd

and in the directory, the various files, including ...

drwx------   7 robert  staff    238 15 Oct  2014 .Spam.NotSpam
drwx------   7 robert  staff    238 15 Oct  2014 .Spam.SpamSamples




This configuration allowed for virtual web sites hosted to have mail facilities, but each user had to have a physical user/login on the system. A bit of a pain at times when they didn't actually use it. and mail was delivered to the system as well las the users virtual mailbox.

I changed the set up to address this by setting up Virtual users, and manage it via the MySql Virtual users options. This allows me to have multiple username, or mail addresses as it were, for any given domain. See the example below for chalmers.com.au

BUT... this is my problem now, in relation to Spambayes.

The mail box set up now looks like this,

............... extract from Dovecot.conf .........

#mail_location = maildir:~/Mail/Dovecot              <---- old setups
#mail_location = mbox:-~/mail:INBOX=/var/mail/%u     <---- old setups
mail_location = maildir:/var/mail/vhosts/%d/%n       <---- new setup

which produces mail boxes like this.
( cd /var/mail ) <--- original, now not used ...

Now....  /var/mail/vhosts

with for example...

cd to

ls -l

drwx------  15 vmail  vmail  510  9 May 17:18 postmaster
drwxr-xr-x  20 vmail  vmail  680 10 May 11:57 robert

If I look in the directory for "robert" - I see all the dovecot mail related files, but no spam. not.spam folders. hmmm, maybe I have to set the user to vmail:vmail?

So you can see that there are two users of the chalmers.com.au domain listed here.

Phew ..... now, the spambayes, or should I say procmailrc configuration to check the mail boxes is looking like this...

#MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail/Dovecot        <- old setup
MAILDIR=/var/mail/vhosts/%d/%n <- new set up .... but doesn't work ... I don't think.
DELIVER="/usr/local/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/deliver -c /usr/local/dovecot/etc/dovecot.conf"


nothing else changed below this... spambayesrc unchanged.

If anyone has solved this problem, could you please point me in the right direction?

I am reading mail on the Mac mail server with MailMate fine, and mail is being delivered to the right people, but I'd like to be able to include Spambayes back in the mix if I can? If it can't be done, well I guess I'll have to abandon it.


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