
My first problem with Spambayes in a very long time; I had to do a 
fresh install of Windows 10 and saved my entire Pegasus "Pmail", 
email folder to a 2nd hard drive and also the Spambayes files in the 
"user" folder.

I re-installed Pegasus, deleted the new folder and copied the old 
folder back into its default location. I installed Spambayes, saved 
the config file in "User", then deleted that and replaced it with the 
archived folder so all should be where it used to be for Spambayes 
and Pegasus. 

I have four separate email addresses that get read by Pegasus and all 
but one of them worked as before. As soon as I made the transfer, I 
kept getting read errors and none of those messages would download. 
Godaddy hosts that email address. I have two hosted from Godaddy and 
the other works fine. I had Localhost listed as the server host name 
in both of the Godaddy accounts and all has worked well for the last, 
4-5 years until now. 

I called Godaddy and they had no answer to Spambayes but told me to 
use a specific address for the Server host name which is similar to 
#########.prod.iad2.secureserver.net. I made the appropriate addition 
to the remote servers field in the proxy option in Spambayes but 
still, nothing from that email account downloaded and I got the 
Pegasus error when it would auto check for new mail. I had to finally 
list #########.prod.iad2.secureserver.net in the secure host name in 
Pegasus and now I get my mail but Spambayes isn't filtering it any 
more and I'm seeing SPAM daily now.

Any suggestions what might have caused this to be happening?


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