I'm having sudden second thoughts about how I should be dealing with
mails that get qualified incorrectly and dropped into the wrong mailbox.

I've operated for years on the understanding that if, e.g., a mail gets
dropped in spam (or unsure) that SHOULD have been sent to my inbox,
the fix is to manually move it from the spam (or unsure) box into my
inbox. I do this in mutt by selecting the misqualified mail and saving
it to the desired box (which removes it from where it had been put).

but I've been reading stuff on the spambayes web site and don't find
any reference to doing it that way. In fact most of the discussion seems
to be how to do it in outlook or other non-Linux system.

So, I'm hoping someone can enlighten me on this.

thanks in advance!

---- Fred Smith -- fre...@fcshome.stoneham.ma.us -----------------------------
               But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: 
                         While we were still sinners, 
                              Christ died for us.
------------------------------- Romans 5:8 (niv) ------------------------------
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