
your setup is not correct. You'll have to leave the connection Thunderbird to spambayes as is, i.e. no SSL (which is probably OK for localhost anyway). Then you'd need to setup the connection spambayes to the server to use SSL. This should be possible by adding :995 to the mailhost (not sure I did not try this in a long time).

Best of luck.

Am 26. März 2018 18:03:20 MESZ schrieb Carl Colijn <c.col...@twologs.com>:

   Hi group,

   Is it possible to use TLS/SSL POP3 when the mail is being proxied
   via SpamBayes?

   I'm using the 1.1b2 version of sb_server on Windows 10 with
   Thunderbird as the mail client.  I've configured SpamBayes to listen
   on port 53100, proxying to my mail provider.

   When pointing Thunderbird to localhost:53100 without any security
   set, in combination with SpamBayes proxying to port 110 at my mail
   provider, everything works OK.

   When pointing Thunderbird directly to my mail provider on port 995
   with TLS/SSL checked, it can connect fine.

   When in turn pointing Thunderbird to localhost:53100 with TLS/SSL
   checked, in combination with SpamBayes proxying to the same mail
   provider settings used above, fetching mails results in a time out
   after 30 seconds in Thunderbird.

   Updating the SpamBayes advanced setting "Retrieval timeout" from
   it's default of 30 seconds to 15 seconds didn't make a difference
   (Thunderbird still times out after 30 seconds), so it's not directly
   related to that I assume.

   Looking if Thunderbird attaches anything significant to the port
   used (here 53100), I configured SpamBayes and Thunderbird to use the
   default port 995, but that made no difference either.

   I've shut down both the SpamBayes server and Thunderbird between
   applying changes as well, but that didn't magically solve anything.

   Is TLS/SSL supported by the SpamBayes proxy?

   Thanks in advance!

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