> I just installed SB ( the latest version which is 1.0.4 ) The very last
> version it looks like.
> I cannot find a way to add SB to the quick bar in Outlook 2016.
> When I download my email, I am having to switch tabs at the top to ADD IN'S
> and that's where SB's controls are located
> Is there a way to add SB's controls to the quick bar? Or will I just have to
> keep switching over to the ADD IN'S tab to mark things as spam and not spam?

I'm afraid I can't help. I tried building an installer using Appveyor
to build a newer installer, but I don't think it works properly either
(though likely has other shortcomings):


I don't do Windows. I was hoping the Appveyor option would "just
work", but it will probably require some tweaks by folks who are used
to that system. Source with Appveyor-specific bits is here:


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