

                I have been trying for
over a week to get my Spambayes to work
but nothing seems to fix it. I have had
Spambayes for a number of years and
never had this problem before. For some
reason it just won't filter the
messages. I have been through it over
and over again and everything seems to
be set as it should be.


Finally I removed Spambayes and then
re-installed it. Still it wouldn't work
but then Microsoft Outlook stopped
working too. I reset Outlook and that
cured the income/outgoing of mail but
Spambayes still will not filter. It goes
through the motions but does nothing.


I checked the Spambayes1 Log and I
noticed that it keeps coming up with
'Failed filtering message!'(please see
attachment). Could someone please help
me? I guess I could turn to another type
of spam checker but I have had Spambayes
a long time and I am used to it. It is
very important to me because I use this
for my work. Thanking you in




     Chris Birkbeck

 Instrumentation Engineer

       (815) 524-7302


     414 E 14th Street,

    Lockport, IL 60441


Attachment: spambayes1.log
Description: Binary data

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