spamdyke version 4.0.9 is now available:

This version fixes a bug in the address parser that was preventing some 
sender/recipient whitelist/blacklist entries from matching.  Thanks to John 
Devenport for reporting this one.  This version also fixes a bug in the 
"config-test" feature that prevented spamdyke from finding its own binary when 
the file is not in the current directory.  Thanks to John Hallam for reporting 
this one.

Version 4.x is NOT backwards compatible with 3.x; be sure to read the 
documentation before upgrading.

Version 4.0.9 is backwards-compatible with version 4.0.8; simply replacing the 
old binary with the new one should be safe.

-- Sam Clippinger

spamdyke-release mailing list

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