Mirko Buffoni wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> At 06:50 03/09/2009 -0700, you wrote:
>> Mirko,
>> That answers the 'pretty formatting' part, but the meat of the sandwich
>> is collecting the stats. I'm afraid that "Virus stats are collected
>> through clamav, bad_sender/rcpt are chkuser GREPs, and so on" leaves us
>> hanging. :(
> You can collect data in a various amount of ways.  For continuous collection
> I suggest to use collectd package, altough for spam/mail statistics I'm afraid
> you'll have to write your own plugins.
> To count the entries in a daily rotated log file a simple
> grep "VIRUS FOUND" clamav/current.1 | wc -l
> is enough.  The same applies to other patterns in the log file.

I'm very familiar with this sort of thing.

>> The data collection code is what I'm most interested in. Are the stats
>> gathered continually and stored, or are they gathered dynamically on
> Since they are a daily statistic, they are collected after logfile rotation
> and stored/processed.

Can you share the code that does this collecting and storing??

> Mirko

-Eric 'shubes'

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