Prefetch is evil and is disabled by default in illumos based distributions (in newer versions it is enabled for scrubs since these are sequential in nature and can get a performance boost). I'm talking about the Adaptive Replacement Cache (ARC). This uses various metrics such as lru to determine what to keep in RAM. As long as there is enough RAM, it will keep things cached forever.

On 11/01/2013 03:02 PM, BC wrote:

The other question I forgot to ask...

With zfs and 4G RAM running, the prefetch is automatically disabled. Did you make the loader.conf change to enable prefetch caching anyway?


On 11/1/2013 11:00 AM, wrote:
With ZFS this happens automatically because the file information is
cached in the ARC RAM unless forced out.  I'm currently running a 91%
cache hit rate on this server which runs file, web, streaming, and mail
services.  It's running OpenIndiana (hipster) and has 4G RAM with 4 TB
mirrored disk space (half full).

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