On Mar 8, 2014, at 6:52 AM, Gary Gendel <g...@genashor.com> wrote:

> Almost all of my uncaught spam comes from two domains:
> colocrossing.com
> hostnoc.net

Color me unsurprised. I even think I know which spammer you're referring to.

HostNoc/BurstNet has long had a reputation of being a spam-friendly hosting 
service. Lately, they seem to be the preferred provider for one of the most 
prolific and effective spammers I've seen. This particular spammer is 
exploiting 'syndicated marketing' programs on a massive scale, and they make a 
point of varying every possible aspect of their messages to systematically work 
around filtering - From lines, Subject lines, hostnames, message text, even 
their URL schemes are heavily randomized and changing constantly. Every single 
feature of the message that could be the target for a filter is changed 
continuously. Their hosting services (something like 50% of their domains were 
in HostNoc space, last time I looked) further facilitate things by letting them 
constantly switch IPs ("snowshoe spamming"). These guys have put some real 
thought into getting past filters and blacklists, and it works.

So I'd bet that when you talk about "uncaught spam", it's theirs. HostNoc also 
host other similar spam operations, but this outfit is both the most prolific 
and the hardest to filter.

Incidentally, I have a personal axe to grind with HostNoc. I used to be a 
BurstNet customer until one of their tame spammers moved into the IP block 
where I had my IPs and pumped out so much crap that the entire block got 
blacklisted. I spent a few weeks trying to get BurstNet to do something, such 
as simply allocate me new IPs in a non-contaminated block. They stalled me for 
a while with vague responses, then took to ignoring me completely, so I 
switched to a new provider.

It sounds like hyperbole, but I really now believe that HostNoc care more about 
supporting the spammers (who apparently rent a _lot_ of servers) than their 
legitimate customers.

TL;DR: if you null-route every IP that HostNoc owns, it will make a dramatic 
difference to the amount of spam you see.

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