You're right that whitelisting and authentication have no effect on the relay 
filter.  spamdyke allows relaying in three situations: when the RELAYCLIENT 
environment variable is set, when /etc/tcp.smtp has a matching rule that sets 
RELAYCLIENT or when a spamdyke option allows relaying.  So... have you compared 
the /etc/tcp.smtp file on the two servers?  I'd bet there's a line on the "can 
send" server that sets RELAYCLIENT for localhost connections and the "can't 
send" server doesn't have it (note spamdyke does not read this file itself; its 
CDB version is probably being read by tcp-env).

It's been quite a while since I've worked with Plesk but I seem to remember 
that option is set within the Plesk admin interface.  It'd be a good idea to 
change it there -- otherwise if you change it on disk, it'll probably just get 
overwritten the next time Plesk saves a change.

-- Sam Clippinger

On Oct 3, 2016, at 7:58 AM, Faris Raouf via spamdyke-users 
<> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I’m absolutely confounded by a problem I’m having after upgrading five 
> systems from Spamdyke 4.3.1 to 5.0.1
> On two of them, webmail (running locally, connecting from to 
> port 25 via smtp, no authentication) works fine and can send 
> messages.
> On the other three, spamdyke spits out a RELAYING_DENIED and blocks the 
> connection from when trying to send messages.
> --------------
> Oct  3 12:07:38 hostnameredacted spamdyke[4927]: FILTER_RDNS_MISSING ip: 
> Oct  3 12:07:38 hostnameredacted spamdyke[4927]: FILTER_WHITELIST_IP ip: 
> file: /etc/spamdyke.d/whitelist_ip(6)                               
> Oct  3 12:07:38 hostnameredacted spamdyke[4927]: FILTER_RELAYING              
> Oct  3 12:07:38 hostnameredacted spamdyke[4927]: DENIED_RELAYING from: (the 
> rest redacted)
> ----------------
> All four systems use Plesk, which has whitelisted for email – no 
> authentication is required for connections from that IP.
> I have read the upgrade notes, which explain that IPs that are whitelisted in 
> the ip whitelist (or whatever) file are no longer automatically also allowed 
> to relay, and obviously that’s at the heart of the problem in some way.
> What I cannot fathom is why two would work, and three would not. They are all 
> pretty much identical in every way that I can think of. Same Centos 6, same 
> versions of pretty much everything, very little differences anywhere.
> None of them have any form of relay or smtp auth settings in spamdyke.conf. 
> All of them do have whitelisted in the ip whitelist file – not that 
> it makes any difference in 5.0.1 of course.
> Everything is controlled via smtp_psa file via xinetd
> (stuff)
>         server          = /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env
>         server_args     = -Rt0 /usr/local/bin/spamdyke -f 
> /etc/spamdyke.d/spamdyke.conf /var/qmail/bin/relaylock  
> /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd /var/qmail/bin/smtp_auth /var/qmail/bin/true 
> /var/qmail/bin/cmd5checkpw /var/qmail/bin/true
> So, to resolve the problem, in theory all I have to do is add 
> ip-relay-entry= and indeed that does solve the problem.
> I presume that’s safe enough, given that we do want anything in localhost to 
> be able to send email without authenticating?
> Is this a common setting?
> But I feel I must get to the bottom of why some work, and some don’t, out of 
> the box. It seems bonkers, and indicative of something else that might be 
> wrong.
> None of the boxes are accidental open relays. Authentication is most 
> definitely required to send to non-local addresses.
> At one point I suspected it might have something to do with the webmail 
> configuration, but I can’t find any differences at all. They are all set to 
> use smtp to connect to port 25 with no authentication.
> In the hope that someone may spot an error in my config files, here is one 
> from a server where webmail can send, and another from a server where webmail 
> cannot send.
> (--config-tests throws no errors on either of them)
> (I do not know what I have qmail-rcpthosts / qmail-morescpthosts.cdb set but 
> they had been set when using 4.3.1 using the old syntax so I thought I’d 
> bring them over since I knew that configuration worked)
> *****************
> log-level=info
> qmail-rcpthosts-file=/var/qmail/control/rcpthosts
> max-recipients=5
> idle-timeout-secs=60
> greeting-delay-secs=11
> ip-blacklist-file=/etc/spamdyke.d/blacklist_ip
> sender-blacklist-file=/etc/spamdyke.d/blacklist_sender
> rdns-blacklist-file=/etc/spamdyke.d/blacklist_rdns
> recipient-blacklist-file=/etc/spamdyke.d/blacklist_recipient
> ip-whitelist-file=/etc/spamdyke.d/whitelist_ip
> rdns-whitelist-file=/etc/spamdyke.d/whitelist_rdns
> recipient-whitelist-file=/etc/spamdyke.d/whitelist_recipient
> sender-whitelist-file=/etc/spamdyke.d/whitelist_sender
> tls-certificate-file=/var/qmail/control/servercert.pem
> tls-level=smtp
> config-dir-search=all-recipient
> config-dir=/etc/spamdyke.d/configdir
> config-dir=/etc/spamdyke.d/individuals
> config-dir=/var/qmail/conf.d
> #configs in the above directories are recipient-based only and enable/disable 
> dns blacklists and reject-empty-rdns type things
> reject-empty-rdns
> ************************************
> log-level=verbose
> qmail-rcpthosts-file=/var/qmail/control/rcpthosts
> qmail-morercpthosts-cdb=/var/qmail/control/morercpthosts.cdb
> #*** I have tried removing the above two lines – makes no difference to 
> webmail sending
> max-recipients=5
> idle-timeout-secs=60
> greeting-delay-secs=6
> ip-blacklist-file=/etc/spamdyke.d/blacklist_ip
> sender-blacklist-file=/etc/spamdyke.d/blacklist_sender
> rdns-blacklist-file=/etc/spamdyke.d/blacklist_rdns
> recipient-blacklist-file=/etc/spamdyke.d/blacklist_recipient
> ip-whitelist-file=/etc/spamdyke.d/whitelist_ip
> rdns-whitelist-file=/etc/spamdyke.d/whitelist_rdns
> recipient-whitelist-file=/etc/spamdyke.d/whitelist_recipient
> sender-whitelist-file=/etc/spamdyke.d/whitelist_sender
> tls-certificate-file=/var/qmail/control/servercert.pem
> tls-level=smtp
> reject-empty-rdns=1
> reject-unresolvable-rdns=1
> config-dir=/etc/spamdyke.d/configdir
> config-dir=/etc/spamdyke.d/individuals
> #configs in the above two are recipient-based only and enable/disable dns 
> blacklists and reject-empty-rdns type things.
> config-dir-search=all-recipient
> *****************
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