Nice spreadsheet!  I don't have all the data you do, but just looking at my 
mail logs going back 1 month (excluding mailing list traffic), I gathered these 
reject/accept stats.  I apologize if the formatting is messed up:
                                        Count   Percent
DENIED_RDNS_RESOLVE                     72413   58.29
DENIED_RDNS_MISSING                     26924   21.67
ALLOWED                                 6766    5.45
DENIED_SENDER_NO_MX                     4730    3.81
DENIED_BLACKLIST_NAME                   4630    3.73
DENIED_GRAYLISTED                       3311    2.67
DENIED_RBL_MATCH                        2059    1.66
DENIED_IP_IN_CC_RDNS                    1936    1.56
TIMEOUT                                 776     0.62
DENIED_INVALID_RECIPIENT                457     0.37
DENIED_OTHER                            127     0.10
DENIED_IP_IN_RDNS                       71      0.06
DENIED_HEADER_BLACKLISTED               32      0.03
DENIED_SENDER_BLACKLISTED               6       0.00
DENIED_RECIPIENT_BLACKLISTED            1       0.00
Total                                   124239  

Clearly I don't run a high traffic server, but:
        - Numerically, the missing/unresolvable rDNS tests appear to be the 
most effective, though I haven't checked to see how many of those rejections 
were for valid email addresses.
        - For my own peace of mind, blocking subject lines with the header 
blacklist has been the only way to stop persistent spammers from reaching me 
via and, which I'm not willing to block outright.
        - The rDNS blacklist percentage appears to be very low but it's 
continually populated by my auto-blacklisting scripts and it's been very 
effective against organized groups (i.e. not botnets).  Even though I rarely 
add to those scripts, I'm still amazed at how many new domains it catches every 
        - I also use another set of scripts to automatically unsubscribe my 
users from "legitimate" mailing lists when they junk the messages (Gmail does 
this too).  Since my users usually can't tell the difference between "real" 
spam and "legitimate" spam (and they don't care), those scripts cut down their 
junk mail without blocking and (and others 
like them).

To answer your questions, you can block "To: undisclosed-recipients" with the 
header blacklist filter, if that's really how it appears in the message 
headers.  Blocking emails with no "To" line in the header isn't something 
spamdyke can do right now, sorry!

-- Sam Clippinger

On Apr 18, 2017, at 9:36 PM, Philip Rhoades via spamdyke-users 
<> wrote:

> People,
> It has been almost a year since the last report - here is the updated GD 
> Spreadsheet:
> Unfortunately the amount of spam getting through the SD filtering, then seen 
> by me and being moved to the spam folder has gone up almost five times since 
> last year . . from the information I have now put more stuff in the black 
> From and To lists . .
> I think the main problem is that my main email address is finding its way on 
> to more and more spam lists . .
> How can I:
> - reject mails with no "To:" address
> - reject mails with a "To:" address of: "undisclosed-recipients"
> Thanks,
> Phil.
> -- 
> Philip Rhoades
> PO Box 896
> Cowra  NSW  2794
> Australia
> E-mail:
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