I did try to use the trunk but I couldn't get it to compile on this
machine. GCC4.4 was installed just recently and the conflicts make it
tough going. Plus, I'm okay at commenting things out but I only have
basic C++ skills.
Judging by the comments in the code, the _senserr.txt file isn't
needed in headless labkey mode.

CPAS ran the command:
"ProteinProphet 'UPS1-01.pep.xml' 'UPS1-01.prot.xml' XML NOPLOT"

ProteinProphet is looking for PLOT_PNG && getIsInteractiveMode() but
should have been looking for just getIsInteractiveMode() first. I
commented out the "if" blocks.

    datafile = OUTFILE+"_senserr.txt"; // populate the filename to get
an output file
   if (PLOT_PNG && getIsInteractiveMode() && !PAPER_FIGURES) {
           // it's going to get deleted, so write to tmp dir
           datafile += ".tmp.XXXXXX";
           replace_path_with_webserver_tmp(datafile); // write this in
           safe_fclose(FILE_mkstemp(datafile)); // create then close a
uniquely named file
   writeErrorAndSens(datafile, INCLUDE_GROUPS ); // calculate error
and sensitivity, write data file optionally

  if (PLOT_PNG && getIsInteractiveMode()) { // TPP (web oriented) vs
LabKey (headless) usage style
      writeScript(OUTFILE, datafile, num_prots);

Thanks agian for your quick responses.

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