- Hi,
   - I am getting error (see below) while trying to convert The GPM human 
   library that is in .hlf format 
   to .splib format using spectralst. Any suggestion will be greatly 

C:\>spectrast -cN/dir/GPM_Trial c://dir/human_1_cmp_20.hlf
SpectraST started at Sun Aug 06 00:43:12 2017.

Importing spectra from .hlf (X!Hunter) library file...to be setModByType: 57

Library file (BINARY) "/dir/GPM_Trial.splib" created.
Library file (TEXT) "/dir/GPM_Trial.sptxt" created.
M/Z Index file "/dir/GPM_Trial.spidx" created.
Peptide Index file "/dir/GPM_Trial.pepidx" created.

Total number of spectra in library: 0
Total number of distinct peptide ions in library: 0
Total number of distinct stripped peptides in library: 0

CHARGE            +1: 0 ; +2: 0 ; +3: 0 ; +4: 0 ; +5: 0 ; >+5: 0 ; Unk: 0
TERMINI           Tryptic: 0 ; Semi-tryptic: 0 ; Non-tryptic: 0
PROBABILITY       >0.9999: 0 ; 0.999-0.9999: 0 ; 0.99-0.999: 0 ; 0.9-0.99: 
0 ; <
0.9: 0
NREPS             20+: 0 ; 10-19: 0 ; 4-9: 0 ; 2-3: 0 ; 1: 0

Total Run Time = 1 seconds.
SpectraST finished at Sun Aug 06 00:43:13 2017 with 2 error(s):
LOGGING: Cannot open log file "spectrast.log" for writing. No logging for 
t session.
HLF IMPORT: Peptide ID has unknown modification: 
]". Skipped spectrum  .

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