- For example, assuming  I searched a Uniprot human database with the 
   mgf file in (from the Compomics tutorial)
   - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4sW8rLWPbRydlFNWEthX1hLUEk/view
   - using MS-GF+, and I  transformed the mzid file into a pepXML using:

idconvert qExactive01819.msgf.mzid --pepXML -v -o .

obtained a qExactive01819.pepXML file

what would be the command line I need to analyse the file as stated in 
Prior to using PeptideProphet, I placed the decoy label as a prefix, 
instead of a suffix as SearchGUI does, using this sed command

   sed 's/|\(\w*\)_REVERSED|/|REVERSED_\1|/'  qExactive01819.pepXML > 
   - then, if I try to run PeptideProphetParser on this file with the flags 
   I infered from the tutorial:
   PeptideProphetParser qExactive01819_prefix.pepXML  ZERO ACCMASS YES 
   - I get this output

using Accurate Mass Bins
Using Decoy Label "REVERSED_".
Decoy Probabilities will be reported.
Using non-parametric distributions
 (MS-GF+) (minprob 0)
WARNING: Support of MSGF+ may not be full.  There exist known issues with 
the way MSGF+ encodes certain modifications in pep.xml that may not be 
correct. Also, high-scoring DECOY have been observed in MSGF+ analysis.  The 
user is encouraged to be vigilant in comparing model estimated error-rates 
to the DECOY-estimated error-rates to make sure the two agree and set 
CLEVEL parameter accordingly: see http:
adding ACCMASS mixture distribution
init with MS-GF+ Trypsin
MS Instrument info: Manufacturer: UNKNOWN, Model: UNKNOWN, Ionization: 

INFO: Processing standard MixtureModel ...
 PeptideProphet  (TPP v5.1.0 Syzygy, Build 201804301819-exported (Linux-
x86_64)) AKeller@ISB
 read in 5 1+, 5355 2+, 2108 3+, 1057 4+, 0 5+, 0 6+, and 0 7+ spectra.
Initialising statistical models ...
Found 769 Decoys, and 7756 Non-Decoys
PeptideProphetParser: /nfs/home/aoj/opt/tpp/tpp/src/Validation/Distribution/
DiscreteDistribution.cpp:91: virtual double DiscreteDistribution::getProb(
int): Assertion `val >= 0 && val < num_bins_' failed.
Iterations: Aborted (core dumped)

   - I will soon try with Comet.




søndag den 20. maj 2018 kl. 02.03.35 UTC+2 skrev Antonio Ortega:
> Hi all! I was wondering what are the command lines required to process 
> with PeptideProphet, iProphet and ProteinProphet the output produced by 
> search engines like comet when run through SearchGUI.
> The raw files are in the mgf format and I used a decoy database with the 
> label in the suffix, not the prefix as peptideprophet expects. Everytime I 
> have tried runing this programs I would end up with a 1Kb file containing 
> almost no information. My goal is to link the output of SearchGUI to 
> StPeter, to perform Protein Quantification. I haven't been able to find an 
> in depth guide on how to use these programs, other than the tutorials, 
> which are addressed to people using Petunia, and the help messages of the 
> commands. But no big guide so far on the CLI.
> Any help would be very much appreciated!
> Thank you very much for your help!
> Best regards
> Antonio 

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